Official opening of the Greater Dividing Range project. ‘Destined to make the Snowy Mountains Scheme look like a puddle”. Foreground. Minister for Immigration Mr Peter Dutton in suit looks thoughtfully at cameraman. Leading, (in uniform) the Minister for the Arts, Mr George Brandis in splendidly designed ‘Cultural Leader’ uniform. Uniforms generously supplied for the event from the Rt Hon Christopher Pyne’s personal collection. Official Photograph.
The PM’s Dream.
Dear reader we continue with Part two of this very significant dream and its realisation under the guidance of the P.M for Infrstructure; Tony Abbott. “But I have a dream. This dream counters the greatest moral dilemma of our time. How to more fully exploit our resources? We export uranium. Watch others use its divine energy, yet we give the bounty of irradiated toxic waste away! We have vast resources of open space waiting to be filled with uranium waste. We could become the global suppository for refuse? We are refuse orientated, and by being so complement our skills in species extinction and development. This project is a project for the future. As it IS the future!! A visionary plan to you the people of Australia, (thunderous applause).. Flanked by the immigration Minister Mr Dutton, the plan revealed a project of such audacity the Murdoch reporters were momentarily silenced. Pointing to an enormous diorama; ‘This is the western and northern coasts Australia. They are largely UNPOPULATED, UNGUARDED, VULNERABLE, EXPOSED!! By harnessing the power of the worlds refuse, starting with our lead trading partner, China, we will begin the construction of a GREATER BARRIER RANGE!!!.

Illustrative map of Australia detailing extent of the Great Barrier Range. Note Andean Peaks and fertile hinterland adjoining inland sea. After extensive consultation the P.M Mr Tony Abbott unilaterally declared “Lake Dutton” in honour of the Immigration Minister. The new Inland capital ‘Gallipoli’ will be built on its shores.
This is nation building on a stupendous scale. Over several years we will harness the power of VICROADS and utilise the energy of our depleted uranium waste to create an impenetrable barrier. From Perth to Darwin. Then, with the benefit of our latest free trade deal with CHINA we’ll gather the underutilised bounty of waste from our source nations. And ensure that every coal and iron ore carrier returns FULL!!! Not empty!! And to the emptiness we will build a range of Andean proportions, The benefits are too numerous to mention. Create a true inland sea. Promote real decentralisation. It will bring rain to the hinterland. It will harness our resources as a leader in extractive industries. And provide us via the synergies of development and deterrence, an impenetrable barrier, I daresay another, though less aqueous Great Barrier Reef!!!

At work building the Greater Dviding Range. Shown here a flotilla of very large Bulldozers pushing irradiated and general waste unloaded from bulk ore carriers. Background depicts peaks of “Andean proportions” constructed from ” the bounty of global waste”.
To asylum seekers who make it, the height of the range, between fifteen and twenty thousand feet will render their passage impassable. And even if they do get though, irradiated, they can be utilised as menials until they succumb to radiation sickness. In doing so only the best, the most tenacious will qualify as Australian Citizens! And we won’t require TPVs. It’s natural selection on a grand scale. We harness their enthusiasm and by doing so they make a positive contribution to the economy. We wont be sending the boats back because there’ll be no turning back. The agriculture minister informs me that with the new mountain range there’ll be limitless opportunities to make the arid wastelands green. Not the troublesome green we get in politics, (much laughter). I’ve been told that with the irradiated mountains it’ll also provide a bulwark against disease, and clean up the tiresome and inefficient out-stations. Cleanse the hinterland of so called sacred sites and troublesome minorities to ensure that the empty interior is both filled and representative of mainstream Australians.
And with the inland sea, we shall build a new city on its shores and demonstrate our resolve to triumph through adversity. And the name of this City, after considerable thought I came up with the name.A name already at the forefront of the Australian psyche, a name progressive and yet, heroic. The name of this city, where once were desert wastes, GALLIPOLI!!

Federal Minister for the Arts. The Rt Hon. George Brandis admires the model of Australia’s new inland city Gallipoli. Centrepiece of the new city is the domed, ‘Palace of People’s Culture’, which will celebrate select Australian and overseas opera and some,’not over-long” Australian ballet. The Palace seats upwards of 99,940 people in honour of Australia’s gretest legend, Don Bradman. Stylish uniform lent on this occassion to the Minister for the Arts by the Federal Minister for Education. Mr.Christopher Pyne, from his personal collection.
This is a tick for sustainability, a bigger tick for the economy. Proving once again that Australia is well and truly open for business!! Asked by a Fairfax reporter if death by radiation sickness was humane, the Minister angrily replied; ‘Show some compassion. Who’s side are you on?
Would you rather have them drown at sea’?
this is the most innovative solution, truly grand. Thank you PM