This G20 award winning episode of pcbycp is brought to you by those who promote LEADERSHIP and Civil Duty as their Highest calling. Those who serve selflessly, so that others may feel SAFE and PROTECTED!
Dear reader, implausibly we’ve had a few delays in setting up the latest instalment of our saga.
What could the reason be you may ask, the instalment of a new monarch, the red wave turning into a pinkish hued wave, or the attendance by our scribe from the near north into the zac Rolfe case? All of the above, and a distraction on any measure. We return once again to our saga. A sage ripe with irony and dripping in realism. For those detached from the last episode, we had the trio, aided by Australia’s bravest soldier Benny-Boy Roberts Smith and Julian Assange, hiding the Hancock gold, where Sherlock would say the best hiding place was; ‘in plain sight’. Substituting the real gold for a lead counter weight in an oil drilling derrick for the painted lead in the rear of the ute. And in barely the blink of an eye, or ‘Augenblick’ as our German readers would understand it, the plan was to substitute the gold for gold painted ingots, and then before midday make a run for freedom.

BRAVE MEN! and (though no sightings have been confirmed) WOMEN! BIG- CHESTED MEN who know how to keep the Civil Society on track and adorn themselves with Chest Medals as a symbol of their HONOR!
In the hope, the wry hope, that Brendan, (‘Nelso’ to his mates) and his cronies, Clifford, the dullard from MI5, and Nev,( ‘Nev’ to his mates’) the power behind the Gas-led recovery would be none the wiser. And duly pick up the gold and take it back to the most powerful woman in the country, Gina, ‘there’s no such thing as a resource rent tax’, who would then deftly use the gold to pay off her crime boss henchman, (King Charles the Turd). And in doing so secure herself what every West Australian mining magnate really wants, a seat on the House of Lords and a lifetime tarnished by greed, corruption and bloody mindedness to emerge newly sprung, freshly minted and beyond reproach as ‘respectable”,
Can Gina pull it off?
Can our trio pull it off?
Will Nev, Clifford and Brenny Boy get to them before the scheme is up?
Is Angus Taylor on hand to monetise the debacle and convert it into a Cayman Islands trust?
And all awhile, after everything they’ve been through at the very end, after converting the lead to gold and vice versa, their two gaolers Benny Boy Roberts Smith and Julian, ( ‘he’s not the messiah, just a very naughty boy’) have pissed off in their only serviceable ute. And all awhile they hear, as a final ignominious curtain call, the sound, the piercing harpy type sound of the unmistakeable whirr of the Rotodyne. The Rotodyne and the sinister thought that whoever is on it, seeks revenge. There’s nothing scarier than an angry Westralian mining magnate Sheila, scorned. ‘Hell hath no fury, cos fury incarnate is what’s on its way’. We return to our heroes;

MEN, (It’s impossible to verify the sightings at this stage), and some women, (though none would agree to be interviewed) who perform solemn feats without the protection of a shirt or wrist watch.
‘Jeez Ces whaddawegonna do now’?
Terry offered the trio, now abandoned and more forlorn that the owner of a sachet of undefined powder at a gaming Table at Crown Casino another Camel and realised that this time their game was up.
‘I dunno’ They looked around, there was the gold in front of them, the carefully painted and smelted ingots laid out neatly, cooling in the morning sun in front of them. And the counterweight, the real gold suspended metres above the ground, painted grey and innocuous. Gold on one side lead on the other. A ‘fools gold’ for those ‘who dare to win’.
‘I suppose the best thing is to gather up the instruments’, he pointed to the gas bottles the smelting tins and the moulds and pretend we’re having a barby. ‘We can tell em Julian and Benny-Boy have pissed off, and with a bit of luck with nothing stolen, we can be on our way,
‘But’, Ces interjected; ‘Why would’ve Julian and Benny Boy pissed off without taking the gold’?
Indeed, we ask ourselves the very same question, even for a much-loved national war hero ‘Anzackery’ Icon, and winner of the coveted V.C. The temptation would be to take the money and run. But Like Zac Rolfe, benny Boy has a sacred duty to perform. A higher duty as they say.
Are their death duties payable on higher duties, is doing your duty all that counts in the nefarious world of crime, graft, corruption, and the firm they refer to as Windsor Inc?
Find out in our next aurically inclined episode; ‘How many ingots you got’? Or …’wanna know about inflation? Thirty ingots won’t even get you an audience with Fergie these days’!