Nurture the Australian Christian Lobby.

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ACL’s Marriage Facts. Absolutley Factual.  We at PCbyCP had no idea that God created Marriage!! We are educated now.

Nurture the Australian Christian Lobby They’re endangered.

Don’t think for a moment that the Australian Christian Lobby is an isolated reactionary sump , a mouthpiece channelling the bigotry small mindedness and fascist ideology of a few conservative ministers. The ACL stands for all of us!! For we true christians are alone and under attack. The boffins wont tell you, the Defence White Paper wont describe it, but we know at the PCbyCP Institute that we are under attack from ‘Gayma rays’.


Good to see Bill Shorten is on board with the ACL. Clearly Bill’s presentation was based on absolute FACT

‘Gayma rays’ are insidious and they are released from hell and unleashed as punishment by a vengeful god on all humanity Kiddies in school are not safe,. Those in the defence force are not safe, and unless steps are taken to stem the insidious, corrupting march of homosexuality, we are doomed. Ireland has been paralysed by ‘Gayma Rays’. Since the referendum that allowed gays to have equal rights in marriage to “normal” folk. ‘Gay-ness’ has infiltrated into every nook and cranny of Irish life, and there’s a rumour, (Unsubstantiated as yet) that even those who serve in the church have been turned “Gay”.

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Someone else has noticed.

The ACL is quite right in appealing to have race hate and vilification laws repealed less we get infected. As spokesperson and leading Christian Scientist Ms, Viola Vitriole suggested; ‘We have proof now that homosexuality is completely unnatural and against the laws of GOD’. Viola was very pleasantly dressed in a twin set and pearls which clearly indicated an individual purporting strong and laudable family values. She opined: ‘Quite simply these Gayma rays are ALIEN. And you know what happened to Sigourney Weaver and her crew in Alien. We have proof!! (Holds up astrological images rather like the recent disclosure of Gravity Waves) It’s all about the hole that’s been punched in the astral envelope by wicked thoughts. It’s not a sunspot, But something much worse. The BIG FRECKLE!”

The big freckle’? We asked.

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The Big Freckle Unleashed! Factual Image, (ACL) demonstrates Gayma Rays penetrating the ionosphere. This condition scientifically referred to as “Freckle Punching”, shows Gayma Rays unleashed on Ireland and the U.K. Gayma Rays unleashed by a vengeful god through the medium of Sunlight. Widening Hole, (the freckle) is big, brown and expanding exponentially!

‘Yes indeed, our wickedness has punched the big freckle!! You see, we all know about sun spots, but the earth has a protective layer of ionosphere put there by GOD. Ever since the Village People performed, ‘You can’t stop the Music’, and Heath Ledger appeared in ‘Brokebank Mountain’, there’s now an enormous hole in the ionosphere. It’s Big, It’s Brown, and it’s just growing and growing!! Just last year it got way way bigger when Conchita Wurst won the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. And as a consequence it’s letting more and more ‘Gayma Rays’ into the environment. Asked to produce scientific evidence for this phenomena, Mrs Vitriol replied; ‘I don’t need any, its GODS will to punish the idolatorous, the unclean and the sinful’. But that makes up all of humanity we replied; ‘That’s why the earth must be cleansed, of Gay people. They are a threat to everything we stand for’.

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Former PM and Cardinal protecting family values by locking the door on Sin.

Asked who god lived with? she replied, ‘the holy host’, and asked how they came to live in heaven she replied; ‘ever since womankind was released from Adams rib after the harlot Eve seduced all of mankind and gave us sin’.

We were hoping for a sensible argument based upon love respect, reciprocity and humanity, but she snapped back, ‘Don’t you understand the bible’? We were flummoxed, Viola continued; ‘It’s all about hell and damnation for non believers, and clearly as you, (PCbyCP) don’t believe in the tooth fairy ether you should rot in eternal hell’.

‘People will marry their animals, I already know of a man in Adelaide who is engaged to his gold fish Tootsie, and if recent reports from Adelaide are true, people are turning to their pets for companionship and solace. These pets are under threat from indecent Gayma Rays. There’s bee a spike in IMP’S, (Improper marriage proposals) from the afflicted. It ‘s unstoppable. It must cease now’!! ‘We must protect the land, prevent this plebiscite. If the WOG, (Word of God) is unheeded, and God, the lord, maker and nurturer eternal finds out we don’t believe in him anymore, he’ll go like Tinkerbell, Thats what the ACL is worried about. Do you really want to kill GOD!! Think of all the good things that have been done in his name’?

(PCbyCP) I think we’re better off without him.

And besides being a deity is well inhumane, and just a little un-edifying.