Pelaco Bill is Back!! At last some certainty and a WORLD CLASS nuclear waste facility big enough to ensure that even the whitest of whites will come out BRILLIANT in any wash!!
Dear reader, you’re probably still inconsolable after Australia’s inaugural ‘Freedom Commissioner’ left office to pursue the less lucrative, (party donations and first class helicopter flights excluded) field of federal politics. What you do need to know is that in the position of Freedom Commissioner Tim Wilson made a really big difference to freedom’s right across the board. The statistics speak for themselves. In the past two years aboriginal imprisonment has continued to rise, proving freedom of access. On Manus Island and Nauru, people have enjoyed the freedom to luxuriate in Concentration Camps. As the old saying goes, ‘Arbeit macht Frei’, ‘Freedom through work” and who said the Germans lacked a sense of humour?

The outgoing Freedom Commissioner,Mr. Tim Wilson, proving his ascendancy over the ossified Human Rights Commission. Proudly displays model of new correctional facility in the N.T.
But Mr Wilson did much more than help the lot of the disenfranchised, the bereft, and the impoverished. His position was onerous, and there’s been such a cascade of freedoms since they passed the latest batch of anti terrorist and metadata laws, that you feel sorry for him being paid a mere 400 thousand. And he got the job, cos undoubtedly, Geoffrey Robertson, Julian Burnside, and Jillian Triggs, were clearly inexperienced in freedom matters, and the law. Quite rightfully, he received a most stirring accolade prior to his impending preselection from that exemplar of justice and freedom, the federal attorney general, George Brandis. Don’t think for a minute that just because Mr Robb has vacated his seat that Mr Wilson’s lightening speed bid pre selection has anything to do with not wanting to advance the cause of freedom into the floor of our federal parliament itself.
Of course it does.
Our parliamentary system is in dire need of reform. All those donations from very wealthy lobby groups is getting up the nose of the electorate who think that the democratic process is hijacked by wealthy vested interests, (the 1%).
Mr Wilson, do as you have done in the past two years and ensure that absolutely nothing changes. As Janice said, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to loose’. You aint got nothing to loose. You’ve kept the office of Commissioner for Freedom completely A-political, without the hint of partisanship. And you know well that this innovation Prime Minister is looking at the big picture, and he’s a big thinker. Demonstrate your informed urbane dialogue, passion for the underdog, and ongoing commitment to fight for freedom. You’ve proved a capacity to re-orientate that ossified, and outmoded Commission for Human Rights. You are the Personification of Freedom itself. You, are the standard bearer of Freedoms, You’re Julian Assange on steroids. You, Mr Wilson, are a game changer!!

Outstanding prototype Freedom Commission Uniforms to be worn by staff being demonstrated outide the Vatican. In apprecciation of the outstanding assistance and transparency offered by Cardinal Pell to victims post, the Child Abuse Royal Commission. (Uniforms generously donated by the Minister for Innovation, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne. (From his personal collection).
And speaking of the big picture, it’s well known that although we bypassed, (by a very narrow squeak indeed) being the suppository of wisdom, ‘as the Cardinal said to the choirboy’. We can stand proud to know that we have delegated it upon ourselves to be the depository of Nuclear waste the world over. It was touching when we begged the British government (our glorious ally) to use our hinterland to test atom bombs in the fifties, and though a few malcontent natives were unimpressed, (we didn’t bother telling them) we now can safely say that the hinterland of south Australia has been chosen once again. Lucky the folk of South Australia. Which proves there is life beyond manufacturing. Better still, we know our Freedom Commissioner, wont stop the wheels of progress by asking the natives. It’s a well established fact that the indigenous are still free to walk about wherever they like, Willy Nilly. And they’ll be especially grateful for the fact that any kangaroos caught post waste dump, will glow in the dark, thus making their subsistence easier.
So it’s onwards and upwards, and celebrating the very established fact that we lead the world in Freedom, and with a KING SIZE Nuclear waste facility in the outback, we lead the World in INNOVATION and CLEVER THINKING. Because for the first time, we are not digging stuff up. With the help of our friends in the Minerals and Energy Council were putting stuff in.
It’s good for Australia.
Great for the Artesian Basin.
And one hundred percent SUSTAINABLE.
To ensure with the assistance of the ‘World’s best Minister,’ Mr. Greg Hunt that this little part of Strayla is FREE from unsightly residential development for One billion Trillion Years.