The Editors of PCBYCP would like to express their extreme disappointment that the planned launch of the “Downer Institute of Foreign Affairs”has been hijacked by “Rat-Bagism”. Proof that the University Sector could suffer irreparable repetitional damage from malcontents and whistleblowers.
For a long time we’ve been concerned about ethical standards in our universities.

Student rat- bag agitators, motivated by the same delusional principles enshrined by Witness K. Inciting repetitional Damage and WRECKLESSLY Impacting the BUDGET BOTTOM LINE
For years, we’ve admired their morphing into second-rate vocational colleges, as visa factories, as cess-pits for the non-creative who only linger on to increase their feather-bed, their benefits, their superannuation and their peg on the stinking ladder of departmental promotion. We applaud the prerequisites to vice-chancellorship, an MBA, must be a suck-hole and the lowest common denominator of wiling dolt. Whose primary aim is to keep the turn-styles clicking, and the sinecures sticking. To ensure for the “PUBLIC GOOD” that our universities curb ‘dangerous ideas’ which challenge the system. 30 years of neo-liberalism have cleansed these institutions of ideas, life, public responsibility. At last universities are recognised as refuges for individuals with no ambition other than ‘greasy-pole-ism’.
Universities are now SAFE!
We are reasasured there is no longer social agitation and “Trouble” from this sector.
They’re cleansed of civil disobedience, new ideas, imagination. Since the student unions were de-coupled all that was wicked has been replaced by preferrment, obedience, and suck-holism. Campus’s are now “CITIES OF THE DEAD”.
In any corona affected special acccommodaton home you’ll see more evidence of LIFE!
BUT…., there is STILL TROUBLE!
From the senior tiers of the Peoples Liberation Army there is DEEP DISSATISFACTION!
The University of Queensland and UNSW indicate leaks on intelligence sharing on Hong Kong students. Free speech and malcontent academics speak out against censorship. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

Ratbag (University Educated) Baby-Boom era social agitators creating “MISCHIEF”. Threatening to destabilise PROFIT and PUBLIC ORDER.
As our PLA spokesman on the university sector opined, “We still don’t have full facial recognition on campus. Naturalised Uighurs have been caught studying on campus. Cantonese is still being spoken. We’ve overheard it in the student union, and in spite of recent requests to the university hierachy including the Vice Chancellors office we believe some student groups are actively flouting directive 35 B of the sedition act by making pro Hong Kong gestures on campus, IN PLAIN VIEW”!
Though we’ve received abject and craven apologies from Vice Chancellors, we remind them that THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! And we should warn that failure to comply as directed by on campus Confucian Centres and section 55 C of the Belt and Road Intiative, will result in travel restrictions, harvesting of organs, forced sterilisation, dissappearance of relatives, if ever they should return to the Chinese homeland.
It is CLEAR. Universities are FAILING.
There is not enough dobbing in on campus. Not enough espionage. More should be done as a matter of national urgency.

Proof that Dan Tehan is RIGHT in de- funding non “Shovel-ready” courses. They Produce Lefty Rat bags who discredit LEADERS by QUESTIONING and AGITATING for CHANGE!
We spoke to Dan Tehan who informed us that he was shocked. “The Federal Government has been foremost in defunding and turning them into vocational colleges. This outburst of free speech is not consistent with “GROWTH” and should not be tolerated’.
He’s right. now that universities have wholly owned faculties devoted to enshrining donors on the right side of history, we should be more trenchant in getting rid of socialist and disruptive tendencies. There is no place for free speech on campus. Particularly of those speaking haven’t the benefit of corporate sponsorship, or are ineligible of tax benefit 35 B courtesy of the Philanthropic Trusts and Donors Act. Unrepresentative free speech is anti-establishment and a threat to the entire university sector.
‘I dont think these kids understand the damage they’re doing to the University sector. We’ve got building projects, resort complexes and space terminals that must be constructed and these malcontents are holding it up with quaint notions of democracy and self expression. Who do these kids think they are? Do they think we’re a sovereign state? Youve gotta be joking, and besides, my last trade and investment trip to China, I bought back a piece of the Great Wall, signed by XI. How good is that”?
We had to agree, rather a fragment of Great Wall signed by a great man, something that you can really put your hand in and say; ‘This is civilisation’! Rather than a piece of rock from the Pilbara that may have been deemed sacred.

This Lefty Agitator, has an Arts Degree. Proof that such degrees provide no ECONOMIC VALUE to society
That’s the good thing about Australia, you can say what you like about culture.
According to our most prominent University sector donors, (Rio Tinto),
‘We have none’.