From our sage from the near-north comes this scintillating piece of analysis.

Russian Scientist extolls the virtues of Melania 1 prototype to Russian Oligarch who seeks a service-bot for one of his many London weekenders.
Analysis you say? Well more about the human condition. And humans have been in pretty poor condition lately. But there’s hope. Hot on the heels of the Fantastic EPOCH MAKING BREAKTHROUGH of Russian Scientists in producing Vladimirs first Covid Vaccine, we hear from the same source the first prototype fully automated HUMANOID.
This triumph of cyber-engineering is just what we need in a post-Covid world, no messy cleaning, no requirement to feed, ‘it’s a new workers paradise based on ingenuity, refinement, service and our shared yearning for a better world for billionaires who know how to utilise sate assets’. (V. Putin) (That’s what the brochure says) It comes in the basic model Melania-Bot 1#, and can be programmed to suit your lifestyle and budget. It’s fully washable, and set to ‘material mode’ with a programmed desire for expensive designer items, accessories and twitter posts from other billionaires who know how to save the world, restore equity and are environmentally serious about advancing “real change” to save the world.
(Batteries are not included).

Melania-bot prototype just prior to killing its prospective owner. Some Billionaire behavioural tendencies were modified after clinical trials.
Anyway, back to this thoughtful piece. Which sort of takes us back to year zero, or whoever it was who invented the wheel or reality television.
From Ira, this reflection…
On Genius.
“Everything changes yet everything remains the same’
Mediocrity has no new ideas. Paranoia is it’s only friend. It is revealing that the GOP, like an insane corps- de- ballet, follows faultlessly their witless Nijinsky because, in the end, they have no choice. Trump’s Core-deh-Ballay lack the wisdom, the courage and the imagination to stop the music..
“Don’t expect us to think! We must go wherever our leader takes us! We must do whatever He asks! We were, like all good soldiers, only following orders!’
‘…But…but… the triumph of evil only requires that good men remain silent…., ‘

Melania -bot prototype 2 maintains safe distance during trials from poor outside Flemington Housing Commission flats. Programmed by Victorian State Government to keep ‘Corona- Safe’ distance from potential threats.
The trouble is with genius ideas , like religion, for example, is that the moment the idea is introduced some cretin or other, who has spent most of his life under a rock, decides his time has come. Gathering his forces and his followers he spends the next two thousand years ensuring that any form of democracy that might have existed within the original idea is utterly excised and the system used instead purely to exercise HIs right to delude, terrify and exploit millions of people.

Melania-bot prototype 2 still demonstrating anti-social tendencies due to in-built programming nuanced for Billionaire clients.
This is why I feel that all people who exhibit the capacity for genius should be taken outside and shot. The consequence of genius is almost too awful to contemplate. Genius stimulates people, Untalented, tasteless vulgar people, like the guy under the rock who imagines he has something to contribute. He has nothing to contribute, but his negativity , which will, endlessly, time and time again , murder millions and create endless suffering and misery.
‘The consequence of genius is the appalling prospect of mediocrity galvanised’

Clinical trials have proven that Melania-Bot anti-social tendencies can be reduced through social interaction with kleptocrats, psychopaths and oligarchs. This phenomena referred to as ” displacement behaviour” is still under investigation. Possibly an unanticipated manifestation of cultural bias on the part of Russian cyber-programmers
Our sage left a footnote of mixed metaphors. Clearly an inducement to all of us in these corona-challenged times to go out and do some serious gardening. His commentary demonstrates to all of us a way out of this mess by returning to our roots. And re- discovering the fruitfulness of nature.

Melania – Bot compatible and fully programmable for dysfunctional and anti social cliques on the fringe of society. A perfect companion for those who have everything, and yet, have NOTHING!
With regard to the Hedges lecture I have always been stimulated by a low-cut hedge (or bush) particularly cut in the South American style. I hope you don’t think I’m trying to edge out of this by hedging my bets but the entire business had me on edge from the start. As a gardener in the past I was called upon by many members of the opposite sex to plough up their furrows and then to gently manipulate their bushes. I found this manipulation splendidly stimulating and look forward to repeating it as soon as possible.
Hang every genius you can find and the lunatic under the rock stays there, forever.