Whilst the Federal Government has no energy policy and will do whatever it takes to stick to the age-worn benefits of a strident and singular coal policy it is instructive to take a look at our near neighbours the U.S and see what they’re doing to tackle climate change head on.
Well folks, it’s almost the same as what’s going on here.
Some of the states have gone it alone, and are busy doing their own energy policy, whilst the rest of em are leaving it to God and providence. And coal.
Which is good, because just in case you noticed, what used to be a one in ten year event, a one in fifty year event or a one in one hundred year event, and the latest a one in five hundred year event is now a yearly event. That’s it folks, from 500 to 100 to yearly. And that’s not all, this hurricane, is bigger and better than the last. But at last there are flood management plans…and they’re all entirely do able. Cos we’ve been told so by the first man of America Donald. ‘To trust in God’.
Donald says that Texas can take it. And taking it up the choof is what they’re famous for. The floods there have been horrendous, the worst ever, but nothing to do with climate change. The floods in Louisiana, the worst ever in living memory, and if you calculate it, probably the worst in six thousand years, (that’s when Noah, embarked on the ark, and saved all species excepting those who were destined to be destroyed and swallowed up by the flood ordained by a kind, all pervading, all knowing God).

Soddom and Gomorrah, destroyed by an “all loving God” for daring to conduct a same sex marriage vote.
God in his righteous fury not only destroyed the cities of Soddom and Gomorrah for having a non binding, non compulsory same sex vote, but for being evil and indulging in aything from same sex marriage to stoning women on any other day than a Sunday.

Noah is blessed by an all loving God for not having a climate policy and condemning the rest of humanity to a rightous loving death.
That’s why the people of New Orleans, Texas and Florida can take it. It’s God’s will and nothing to do with unprecedented ocean warming and changed cycles due to man made climate change. And to prove it we know that this hurricane, this adornment of “mother nature” is just another natural cycle, and nothing to do with the predictions based on climate science, because as our acting Prime Minister, Saint Tone of the Santamaria says, ‘climate change is crap’. And just for believing it, you deserve to be stoned, mutilated and trod on by an all caring, all knowing loving God.
So drown you Louisianans, and know that this time round the winds of wrath and the righteous flood is colour blind, and whether you be black, white or polka-dot, you know that according to Rupert, and Donald, this has nothing to do with climate change. And besides, from the flood, a cleansing of streets and houses, and furniture will result in more God-fearing people, returning to God. And with that God-fearing comes certainty and the conviction that an renewable energy policy is wrong. And why, because it is written.
And who wrote it?
Not God stupid.

Saint Tone of Santamaria. Ordained by God and Lord Rupert of Murdoch for eschewing an evil Climate Policy.
But Lord Rupert of Murdoch, supreme leader of Christendom.