The best thing EVER about the Turnbull government is that it doesn’t need to be coercive about establishing laws that make development easy. They’re lucky.
In Queensland, they’ve put in special legislation to ensure that ADANI is fast tracked. They’ve invoked special powers to ensure the essential infrastructure of coal terminals, rail and processing are given top priority. Essential services paid for by the tax payers to give Mr Adani a break. This is great news for Adani. At last he has certainty.
At it’s peak this mine will be truly impressive. Not least the fact that as the world is weaned off coal, Australia will have the words BGGEST COAL MINE. Do you get that dear reader? This aint a big watermelon, a pineapple, a banana. It’s the worlds biggest. So big it’ll be seen from the moon. And because it’ll be there for ever it’ll make the depleted barrier reef (if it’s still there at all) look totally shit-house. Best thing is that it trumps, (excuse the expression) the Great Barrier Reef which employed tens of thousands in “green industry” jobs, and bought in tourists by the plane load. This mine will employ, at its peak, up to a thousand, really big blokes. These blokes, none of whom will be poofters, will drive around in big trucks, have big mo’s and hate fucken greenies.
It was worth killing off the Great Barrier Reef just to see it. Best still Mr Adani gets filthy rich. We owe it to him. The Queenslanders get a dirty great big hole in the ground. And the future gets a deadline. The species, (both homo sapiens and Queenslanders) in spite of all the warnings, are well and truly doomed to extinction. But wait, there’s more. Turnbull wants to repeal all the state environment law. You bloody beauty! This is happening at the same time that Scomo wants to repeal all state planning law.
Turnbull was right, this really is a truly exciting time to be an Australian. Bloody good thing. So, electorate if you hadn’t worked it out, its a country run by the Property Council and big mining. And you know they make a real contribution to society. One group pays no tax, and gets a bonus from the taxpayer, whilst the other allows ten percent to screw the other ninety percent, paid for by the taxpayer. It’s a clear win win. And the best part is, the electorate thinks it’s a bloody good idea. Good onya electorate. At last you’re switched on to hating poofta lefty tree hugging wankers, as much as we are. And some of em ride bicycles. Makes us puke.

Exciting Times
Yep Malcolm, ‘is seeking changes to Australia’s national environment act to stop conservation groups from challenging ministerial decisions on major resource developments and other matters of environmental importance. Turnbull is reviving a bid made by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott to abolish Section 487 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) – a bid rejected in the Senate in 2015. If it goes ahead, the change will significantly diminish the functionality of the act. The EPBC Act is triggered and developments require Federal approval when they affect: World heritage sites
National heritage sites
Threatened species and ecological communities
Migratory species Nuclear actions, and Commonwealth marine areas’.
(This bit from Samantha, thingo from Deakin Uni)
Onya Malcolm. You’ve turned out to be a better P.M than we could ever have dreamed of. Good thing that tax reform, education, health, science, and manufacturing are consigned to the dust bin. Your innovation and ideas boom is truly remarkable. And with the ‘Poor Refugee Punishment Act’, you’ve made us all proud to be Australian. And speaking of acts. That’s a hard act to follow.