A riposte to the previous post.
Things are not that bad

Kelly O’Dwyer demonstrates in spite of high viz safety beach patrol swim wear she was still invisible to ranks within the Liberal Coalition
Labor if elected promises to spend up to 57 million dollars if elected on teaching kiddies to swim.

O’Dwyer and Bishop praise young boy for divine right of leadership within the coalition. Something they may only dream of.
This is leadership. And demonstrates a clear distinction between the retrograde, conservative unelectable rump of the Liberals and the progressive, socially conscious agenda of Labor. Though other initiatives such as tax reform, inequity and the destruction of the environment are issues that need to be discussed in great detail the initiative to have an inquiry into the Murray Darling Basin demonstrates decisive leadership. We can only hope that the enquiry into the Murray Darling Basin will be “Hard Hitting”. Perhaps in due course a white paper will demand a tough stance. We can also expect that after submissions from states and territories a clear plan may unlock the conundrum of what’s wrong on the Murray Darling. And with a bit of luck a new legislative process may be developed that will give real clout to the authority. Or better still an allied authority with similar powers. To signify real change a new raft of logos’ corporate t-shirts and baseball caps may be designed and distributed to primary school children as a tool to understand the biota and the fact that something profound is being done.
Contemporary Labor is all about change, just like they tackled child poverty under Bob Hawke. Kids don’t live in poverty these days, and Bob, our greatest PM in. living memory can rest easy that he promoted real change.
Under Labor we may even expect an enquiry into the equity of University Fees, education and greater access for the marginalised. It was Labor that repealed the notion of free university education to make Australia truly competitive, and gave us the corporate model of HECS and the proliferation of universities as technical colleges. To grow markets and provide stellar opportunities for overseas students. The radical, challenging, and non conformist role that universities now play in contesting social norms as a consequence is spell binding. As spell binding as compulsory superannuation in making Australians deeply conservative and terrified, (quite naturally) of radical social reform.
And on a final note the intervention, augmented and improved under the Rudd Government stands as a shining testament to Labor principles. One can only hope that along with the continued destruction of the biota, the indices of Aboriginal incarceration and loss of dignity on a catastrophic scale will continue for THEIR OWN GOOD! By maintaining the Fascist deterministic paternalistic policies of subjugation, Labor will prove its credentials and demonstrate nobly as we saw in the 20-20 summit a capacity to gather the most learned and expert minds to achieve a plan that will rot somewhere in a parliamentary alcove.
This and more demonstrates reasons for Hope. Gone the hate filled agenda of the Coalition , and a return to the love and maternalistic embrace of the Labor. Rest assured Australia will still be open for business and the light on the hill will offer for those select few a sinecure, the certainty of self adulation and the determination that beyond the symbolism nothing will change.