Our new community I

Over the next few posts we will have a look at “Community”.  This is likely to be a recurring theme in Passive Complicity.  Let us know your thoughts.  Today we have a contribution from Quentin Cockburn.


What a wonderful place to be happy and free,….
Inspired by the gardens here at Cairnlea
Where neat little pebbles in mechanical precision,
Invoke nostalgic yearnings to the Housing Commission
Where everything nice, a mortgage belt heaven,
Just within reach of the seven-eleven
The gym and the shops and the beautiful trees,
Interpretive features, the odd fleur de lys
Beautifully presented, inspired façade
A space for the kiddies, the wife and the car
It’s just the place for a warm inner glow,
Location location it’s all on for show
Conceal from the street and the neighbourhood watch,
The yawning abyss, the sense of great loss
An Orwellian nightmare beyond disbelief,
Like hollowed out corpses fissured with grief
A quiet resignation too late to save,
A life still-born inside a neat grave

Yours in Passive Complicity
Quentin Cockburn
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