We’d like to make a formal complaint to the Queens Birthday Committee

Robert Doyle. Justifiably proud, receives gong for “Unstinting service to Developers and big- End of town’.
We were not on the honours list. AGAIN!
This is not fair. You’d be interested to know that we have made significant donations to both the major parties. We even went as far as to attend the book launches of Bob Carr and Christopher Pyne just to demonstrate our bi-partisanship. They’re both great leaders. And we’ve stayed away as far as we possibly can from malcontents like Dick Smith. It’s his negative attitude of doing publicly spirited and altruistic things with no need for recognition that threatens to bring the whole system down.

Dick Smith. Inventor, entrepreneur, business-man and visionary. Refused Order of Australia. Troublemaker!
And finally, (this is the greatest insult), WE have consistently and tirelessly advocated a policy of “NO CHANGE”. To both the political and social politic. As a consequence we have allowed sinecurists, and bureaucrats across this nation to prosper. Politicians have thanked us anonymously, but profusely for keeping a lid on any attempts to change the iniquitous negative gearing investment property scheme. We’ve consistently stated: “what is good for the status quo is good for us”. We are also terribly worried about climate change, inequality and all the other indices of social depletion. And though we’ve huffed and puffed, and quite like endangered species, (cos they’re cute), we’ve advocated a steadfast policy of NO CHANGE. We don’t like change, And as a consequence of our stoicism and leadership we expected our nomination to go smoothly. It is with some bitterness that again, we were not listed. Not even mentioned. And Cecil, who has worked tirelessly to ensure that previous AO recipients are lauded for just doing their job, is incensed that he, never received the letter in the mail and no-one rang to check his bona fides.
In Cecil’s own words;

Lynton Crosby. Got a knighthood for consistently negative election campaigns and destroying what was left of British society.
‘We’ve made damn sure that everyone’s seen me at the latest MTC opening nights. I support the Australian Opera, and i’ll let you now I have both friends in the MCC and the Australia Labor Party. I am purely bi-partisan, and just the other day I helped a little Somali fellow with a start up by giving him words of encouragement. I’ve worked steadfastly on my charitable trust, and sometimes I even spend some of my own money on getting to the fundraisers at the Opera, the Recital Centre, the NGV and the Cathy Freeman Foundation. I’m expecting to be nominated to the board of the ABC, and I’ll have you know I’ve made a donation from my very own superannuation fund to the State Library so that they could add a “Thinking and Leadership Wing’ to their Elizabeth Murdoch library. I am incensed and feel let down by the system, I mean we give to the system so that it can support us.
And besides even by my own thinking I’m incredibly successful”!
Cecil thinks that bribery and corruption is bringing the system down and suspects, ( uncharitably we think) that those who dish out the awards are a coterie of smug, holier than though, status-quo enforcing sinecurists).

Doris Flosset. Recipient of A.O, for fundraising at the Whycheproof Football and Netball Club auxiliary. Not even known by important people!. Not Fair!
Cecil opines; ‘I mean I don’t want to demean the system, but I’ve got serious clout, and sometimes I even do things for people who are completely unimportant to me. It’s just not fair that some old lady who runs a cake stall gets a gong, when I a heavy lifter, go unrewarded’.
WE can only agree, On this count something HAS to CHANGE!