Dear reader, this extract was prepared as long ago as yesterday, and as a consequence is OUT OF DATE. But we’d like to congratulate Donald on his victory. He is a Real Estate Agent. This is great news for all Australians. A Trump presidency will be all about “Jobs and Growth”. And great news for the Property Council. So in a spirit of optimism, we pledge our fullsome support for a Trump presidency, and leave you with this deeply considered thought bubble.
At last some stability, The U.S election will be over (more or less) as we read this over cornflakes, and muesli. It’ll be a comfort to know that one candidate or the other may have won. And the most reassuring thing is that all the issues raised during the election will be put to bed. We know that the Democrat candidate Hillary “preserve the status quo at any cost” Clinton would be a fine President. The Republican Candidate would also be quite good also.
Hillary has been seen with truly poor people during the course of the campaign and occasionally has paused to consider the trenchant issues of poverty, unemployment and the yawning gap between the have’s and the have nots. She really cares about the gap in equity, and as a consequence has made some pretty shrewd investments which will ensure that her business and economic foundation is rock solid. Whatever happens after this election, Hillary will stand for something. A big Pile of cash. And the wonder of synthetic collateral derivates. A wonder for democracy. A wonder for globalism and the certainty that if you’re rich, you’re safe from the evil of wealth distribution. And that is good for business. It offers certainty. And most importantly, offers global stability and the knowledge that somewhere in Africa or the Middle East a dirty little war can continue to employ all that’s good and progressive from the Military Industrial complex. Hail President Clinton Mark 2.
On the other side, we know that Donald Trump, the bombastic, rude mouthed caricature of business tycoonism will accept either defeat or victory with good grace. We know that the Republicans will accept the will of the people, and direct their funds to ensure that Donald Trump preserves all that’s good about America. As in Australia, the issue of Climate change, healthcare, education and tax reform is solved, and we can expect a brand new era of cooperation and conciliation between the haves and the have nots. Mr Trump, though divisive, and responsible for opening deep wounds in the socio political dialogue, will work hard to ensure that his Presidency represents ” all Americans”. We also know that Donald, self made and fiercely independent, stands for all the virtues of good governance, and has made significant personal sacrifices to make his run for President.

Our very own George Brandis. Determined to uphold the nobility and respect we share for the rule of law. Real leadership at work.
So it’s all good news. We can expect a composed and unified America. We can dream together a new era in which nobility of spirit and generosity of deed will influence the maelstrom of global politics. And we can expect, after the debacle of the Bush presidency, the vision of the Obama Presidency and the legacy of all the reforms that have been blocked, stifled and killed off that this new era represents one of hope, optimism and enlightenment.
For business the news is good. There are still pockets of working america that haven’t been made redundant, and still more opportunities globally to ensure that the poorer countries do their share of heavy lifting. We are not alone. Australia expects the same from its near neighbour, New Guinea and East Timor. America, envy of the free world must do the same. As a consequence the Chinese and Russian Governments, admirers of liberty and freedom, will do their very best to ensure that this century proclaims an eternal message. Of Hope and Freedom.
To ensure; ‘Peace in our time”