Dazza helping Glady’s on the State Budget, not as important as the federal budget, that’s why Angus is not in this photo.
In the interests of balance, we penned a brief asssessment of the Federal Government Budget, and implied by inference that it offered little for women above a certain age. “Above a certain age,” if you weren’t aware is the generic description of a female, who is no longer likely to get a gig as a game show hostess, a weather girl or receptionist at an advertising agency. These are not our qualifications, just general indicies placed upon our society by an over-arching patriachy. That’s why women between 15 and 55 are more likely to die from domestic violence than any other cause.
WE like to kill our women in Australia. Ours is not to ask the reason why? Sometimes, as recently in the case of Daryl MGuire, if we can’t kill a woman physically, at the very least, we can certainly do our very best in killing their reputations. We should stand proud. Australia in killing women is a world leader. A Pity there’s no Olympic event for this prodigious feat of national solidarity. Mind you, we’d be hard against it, as recently with China and Russia on the Human Rights Council of the UN, we’d have to compete with killing Uighurs, Tibetans and dissidents or just killing journalists, opposition leaders and anyone opposed to the kleptocratic status quo. Sadly we’d come a distant third. This is a problem with our national psyche. As we don’t kill our women on purpose, (if they nag it may be justification enough). Just as we certainly don’t mean to kill indigenous Australians. It’s just they always fall foul of our laws and must be imprisoned for their own good. And besides, if they have a propensity for taking their own lives in custody, how can we expect to bear responsibility?
But, we’re worried about this Federal Budget being too skewed to women. So in the interests of journalistic objectivism, we’ve been offered this piece. It came to us anonymously, but the post stamp ‘Wagga Wagga’ suggests it may have come from a well resourced unseen hand.
Budgets are not fer BUDGIN
I’ve had enough of Sheilahs on budget night going crook,
Its bad enough with em blabberin, for blokes who dont get a look,
They say the budgets sexist, from penis-wielding oppressors,
But that aint the half of it, when the opressed become the opressors,
Whichever way ya look at it, in high-viz or in high heels,
Its not so much the feeling, its the way it makes ya feel,
Being a bloke these days is tricky, like the Murray Darling basin,
With kiddie fiddling clerics, just the tip of what we’re facing,
‘Our era is for passing’, said the Triceratops said to Allosaurus
‘What ’s gone is just a footprint , of others gone before us,
We’re fucked and this last hurrah, is more or less innefectual
To replace us with the lgbtix, trans, and the bearded metro-sexual,
Its all we’ve got, its the last hurrah, so wave your high-viz vest
Cos our good was never good enough, and gone with all the rest,
Mate, Which ever way you look at it, what’s happenin to the nation
A Brave New World for women folk, and our assured emasculation,