Poetry Sunday

Rolf on the job. A real Royal WAG!

Dear reader, we were to give you just this superb piece from former poet laureate to the Dis-United Kingdom Sir Rolf Harris. But we’ve been instructed to offer a diversion to assuage trenchant copyright and intellectual property issues. The poem alluded to in the exciting instalment of pcbycp’s August 30 edition, still resonates with the majesty of Royal preferment.  After recent events in the U.K we’ve felt beholden to give you only this first stanza as a taste, a presentiment, of the untapped potentialities of Harris at the peak of his POWERS. The  Magnum Opus of Harris. We asked the poet to reflect upon this superb piece of historical reconstruction  but he declined. His Press Secretary suggesting he is enjoying a retirement from public duties  “at her Majesty’s pleasure”. And well we may regard Her Majesty for retaining Sir Rolf by her side as the world quakes to its very foundations with insurrection and talk of revolution and the right for women to question the pre-eminent right of men to have ownership over their bodies, as ordained by a loving GOD

So here it is;

Two little Boys

Two little boys became two little toys

Each had a father called Risdale

Gaily they sat, the parish of East Ballarat

Till ones conscience failed him at 


To awake with dread, in bed a horse’s head?

Wept for innocence lost, at such a cost

For he knew he was in….. Orig-i-nal Sin,

And no matter what he did, he could not be rid,

What crime did he commit?  His faith so strong omit?

For the  Church to hold its sway, to deftly look away, 

And blame, the victim.

Though likened to Coleridge’s unfinished masterpiece Xanadu, Harris’s work bespeaks of contemporary issues and it’s a tragedy that it was never properly finished. 

So content yourself with this other piece. A thoughtful reflection of the zeitgeist, of the Holy Geist, and the un-holy poltergeist …By Andy Partridge who used to head-up post punk band XTC.  And if you listen intently you may detect an unreasoned questioning of higher authority which doubtless led to the decline of Great Britain. Till rescued by Boris Johnson.