Our poetry Editor Ira Maine has lost his wife. These are his thoughts.
All the World.
Your glorious fried-egg bosom
And the way you danced,
Out of your head, oblivious,
As if you had become the music
And all melody depended
On your giving it life.
How you held me and tried
To make me move as you moved,
Patiently coaxing, drawing me out.
But I was awkward and clumsy,
Hopelessly lacking your grace.
How could I not love you then?
How fiercely you held me, made me listen,
Made me aware that even I,
Miraculously, had my own music,
Even if it wasn’t in my feet.
How could I not love you?
I remember so many things…
But this above all-
Since that first day in Islington,
When you walked down those stairs,
I have been enthralled, captivated,
Enchanted by you.
You have been my life, my love,
My compassed world,
Where I am rich beyond imagining.
Richer, little flower, by far,
Than all the world.
Ira Maine, January 2016