Each day reveals new stunning revelations on how banks have managed to defraud, cheat, obfuscate, and bamboozle customers. And each day we hear of other disclosures that put the customer on the same level as those who seek the services of Centrelink.
This is good news for shareholders and inadvertently, in case you hadn’t noticed the taxpayer.
You see the banks pay their taxes. And that’s a damn side better than those good folk at Exxon Mobil who get taxpayer funded handouts. Pay no taxes and then completely fuck up ecosystems, communities and life on the planet in general so that a few shareholders can receive grotesque amounts of money. That’s worse than theft, and we love them for it. Cos it reinforces where we are at “post modernism” part two, at the lowest part of the dung heap. I think the name for it is feudalism. That’s the first core principle of modern banking.
Still the Commonwealth Bank has got a bit to worry about. First choice for money launderers, and destination ‘numero uno’ for those who want to stash a bit of cash, no questions asked and keep it safe. So safe you can be assured that your record will be lost. This is PURE GOLD, and a warning to those who pretend to run Centrelink, that there are more efficiencies to be made by getting rid of staff and replacing them with private contractors. And those private contractors will create “ efficiencies “ for the shareholders by paying stafff next to nothing. Or for those really naive, (young people) an “ internship”. Where until they’re jaundiced, hollowed out and disilussioned, will do it for nothing. At the same time, you can be on the board of a bank, and patronise this new breed of untermensch, about not being able to afford a house, and being beneath contempt. That’s called ‘the trickle down effect’. The second core principle of modern economics.
Now banking aint all it’s cracked up to be. If say for example, you’re on the board of the Commonwealth and you just sit for the odd general meeting you’ll receive a couple of hundred thousand bucks. That’s good money to do nothing. And when there’s a scandal, and then an avalanche of scandals, that go to the core of your absence of principle, integrity and trust, you find a lowly paid pecksniff, to take the blame. That’s called co-ordinated crisis management.

New Guinea people inspecting new community centre paid for by Exxon Mobil. Proof that modern economics WORK!
And like the Minister who pretends to run Centrlink, you can tell the public that “massive steps have been undertaken” to improve the system for ordinary people. Whilst at the same time stick to your core principles: Integrity, trust, honesty? No! The core principle of being superior to ordinary people. In actual fact, as the good boss at AMP so admirably demonstrated, treat the public and the vast majority of your shareholders like merde. And be very proud about it. Because the third principle of modern banking, “ Your merde is non odiferous”!
Still there is advice to all of you. You don’t need to borrow money you cannot afford. You don’t need to be gouged by the system, and you don’t need banks. What you need is a system that really works, and you can rest in the knowledge that your money is serving the community.
Leave your money where its safe.
Under the bed.