This episode sponsored by the Russian Government, working in close association with the NT Government to establish law and order in remote places other than Ukraine.
We return where we left off!
With about as many options as the CEO of Essendon Football club looming, our heroes, Ces, Quent and Terry must determine their chances after falling in with Benny Boy, Roberts Smith, arguably Australia’s finest soldier, (ever) and his side- kick Julian, ‘He’s not the Messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy Assange’. There’s not much time, by sunup Brendan, Clifford, and perhaps Nev and Gina herself will be on the rampage determined to find out who pilfered their gold. Gold that would have been instrumental to giving them lifetime peerages, in the House of Lords. And with a peerage comes something even more lustrous than a tawdry AO for just doing your highly paid job. In a word; ‘snob- value’.

If he’d been given a go he could’ve done to Essendon what he did to the NAB. In the end he was denied natural justice!
Is there time? Is there time enough to extricate themselves? Or is just ‘time’ just another index of an assured death. In Syria they have almost as many definitions of death as Eskimos have for snow. And in Ukraine, snow and death have an ominous synergy akin to the retreat from Moscow? Where did Moscow retreat from? It’s too early to say, but it’s buried in an in-tray inside the Kremlin. And only Vlad the Impeller knows where to find it.
‘Finders keepers’, or ‘terra nullius’, it’s all the same to us!
Just ask Lord Elgin if you want a humble opinion, cos the poms aint ever gonna give em back.
Just like the NT Government. They can’t leave the responsibility of having a good life to the locals, as they are so wretched and hopeless. But where there’s hope there’s a cohort of civil servants to make sense of the incomprehensible. So incomprehensibly, and inexorably the plot unfolds. To somewhere beyond the black stump, and back?
We return to our saga,
‘I’ve got an idea’, Ces said in a matter-of-fact kinda way.
‘I reckon we can sort this out to our mutual advantage’. He watched Benny Boy scan the horizon for a cliff somewhere. ‘Phew’! He inwardly sighed. No visible sign of a precipitous bluff, a cliff or even a culvert. For the moment they were safe.

Crime Gang Boss ‘Big Andy’ instructing his moll ‘Fergy’ on the finer points of winning at Crown Casino.
But as Terry handed round another round of Camels, and in the dim grey light of breaking dawn, beneath the glow of the sulphurous flume that flickered and waned in the crisp morning air, they knew that just standing round smoking Camels was not going to save them. They also knew unlike another decorated war hero, Zachary Rolfe, they didn’t have the establishment to look after them. The establishment, from Gina, Nev, Clifford and Brenny-Boy were out to get em. And they were backed by the biggest crime syndicate known, the criminal gang colloquially referred to as; ‘The Windsors’.
They pulled on the Camels rather than reflect in how little time they had, and only one of them capable, of escaping the net, and he with his armaments, VC and formidable reputation as a warrior would ultimately look after himself. Even Julian knew this, and though sickly, pasty-faced and consumptive eagerly pulled on another camel.
Ces rejected Terry’s offer of a third Camel and said; ‘I think I’ve got an idea. We might just get out of this, and with a bit of luck, like Chevron, Transurban and Woodside we might get out of this without doing much, not working much, and making a fortune. It goes like this’….
They all turned to Ces, a natural leader, undecorated, but there was something even ‘Anzackery’ could not displace, he had charisma.
‘Howsabout we double the bullion in the back of the ute?
Benny-boy looked at them crazily; “What are you on about’? He looked annoyed as Ces was offering something more complicated than just stealing it.
‘Look’, Ces continued, ‘If you leave us and flog the ingots, sooner or later they’ll work out it was youse’.
Ces congratulated himself on using the plural vernacular as spoken by Australia’s finest front-line troops.
‘And even with your skills, and your sidekick, you’ll be slotted. Gina and her sidekick, Nev, and Twiggy being West Australians know how to track people down. They’ve been doing it ever since they settled WA, and they have long memories for settling scores. To date you’ve been lucky, but even in your case your luck will run out. And that’s why’, he focused on Benny until he saw Benny flinch, ‘I’ve got an idea’, and as a matter of fact’, Ces paused for full dramatic effect; ‘I’ve got a BLOODY GOOD IDEA’!

Crime Gang heavyweights waiting for Mathew Guy to turn up at a seafood restaurant on the peninsula. (the Crimean Peninsula).
Does Ces have an idea?
Is this idea more creative than coalition climate policy? Can it be more sensible and visionary than tax breaks for higher income earners? And can it be more courageous than the courage and civic virtue demonstrated by Zac Rolfe in the foetid field of conflict?
Will Julian and Benny-boy stick by them, or perfidious to the last, double cross them for their greater glory? Only the next episode can reveal a destiny. Can our heroes demonstrate once and for all that the spirit of Anzackery burns brightest in the desert wastes of inland Australia?
Find out in our next episode;
‘A Fool Toss for Tossers”, or “Game, Set and Scratch the House of Windsor and you’re disqualified’.