![sophie new 5](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/sophie-new-5-300x174.jpg)
Driving the ship of state. Mr Dutton; ‘The four oarsmen of the Acropolis’. Four Wise Men. Literate and numerate. Making Australia Great!!
Dear reader. You may well be aware that things are not good on the immigration front. We at PCbyCP are deeply concerned that the wrong type of person is gaining access to our glorious democratic and free thinking society. We share the Minister for Immigration Peter Dutton’s concern that in spite of the best checks and balances we are allowing illiterates into this country. This is a deep seated problem that’s draining the economy. Its burdensome for the heavy lifters; Australian Industry, Banks, the Property Council, the Churches, and the Minerals and Energy Council just to name a few. They, as proven, possessed with the ‘Ideas Boom’, can’t stoop to pick up wastrels, leaners and the malcontents who choose to remain ,stubbornly innumerate, illiterate and ignorant. Why waste education on them? To drain the nations coffers?
The message is clear. Our culture is so deep, illiterates will just not fit in.
It’s bad enough that some first Australians still refuse to accept the ‘Queen’s English’ as the lingua franca, (excuse the mixed metaphor) so to speak of civilised people the world over. Incredibly, it has come to our attention that in remote parts they actively seek to maintain a link to their native tongue which is an ongoing cause of great frustration and disharmony. How could we then accept other foreign types are arriving here, without a basic understanding of our customs and idiom. Not to mention, the love we all share, beyond reproach to the glorious noble, self sacrificing tradition of Anzac as the singular unquestioned unifying force of nationhood.
These types, (and you’ll excuse us of characterising the vast bulk of them as a type) are ill suited to our society. Though they may speak with some fluency in their chosen tongue, Somali, Syrian, or some other tin-pot Middle Eastern sump, they are still functionally illiterate. Arriving here constitutes a drain on our resources. If unchecked, they will doubtlessly destroy the very institutions that make this country innovative, forward looking and progressive.
![camp G 1](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/camp-G-1-300x175.jpg)
Aussie kids understand at birth both literature and the glorious noble sacrifice of Anzac as an eternal truth that shall never diminish. Intrinsic to the value of our Educashion system.
The Minister is being cautious in his english usage, because being a statesman he is versed only in the niceties of ‘diplomatic speak’. There are certain requirements and protocols befitting a person of his standing as representative, of us. This forbids him the freedom of expression and clarity that we require when sending a message to those from far flung cesspits of human depravity, that their type is not needed. And we are concerned that his casuistry, caution and tact, will go unheeded. We, (the society) need to help him. It is up to us, to assist him in this task. And make it clear to those who can’t deal with figures, language and education to understand clearly what he is trying, very subtly to say. His message is simple and clear, Lets spell it out then.
If you cannot read this message, we suggest you fuck off!!
And if you require an interpreter the message is doubly clear, in arabic, cuneiform and Cyrillic, the government of Australia suggests most politely Fuck OFF!!
These are vexed times and we at PCbyCP are committed to ensure that or readership is cogniscent of the threat posed by illiterates. Just the other day we confronted a recently arrived refugee, (of the most desperate ‘foreign’ type) and asked for a quotation from Shakespeare. We received for our effort a blank stare of abject ignorance. We then attempted to engage the individual in some discussion of Thucydides, and questioned his, (for he was a male) grasp of Euclid, drawing on particular reference to the ‘Eighth theory of Optics’. Once again a look of abject and all consuming ignorance. We quoted Satres, Flaubert, Proust and Joyce. No reaction. And then, in a pique of frustration hummed the opening bars of ‘Ernie, the fasted milkman in the West’ , (nothing). Lastly in a explosion of frustration, we asked the individual; ‘what was Bradman’s, test average’? With anticipation we thought the fool could grasp at this, but worriedly, he pretended to be busy and made off. You’d think at the very least, nurtured and succored within the bosom of our commonwealth he’d try and make a stab. But, ignorant, illiterate, and abject he departed without so much as a bye your leave.
Mr Dutton, courageously has made his point. It is beholden to all of us to protect the integrity of this nation and ensure that the Illiterate don’t gain a foothold. He is, as quoted by the P.M Malcolm Abbott, as; ‘a most exceptional Minister’. We’re glad he knows what it takes to be part of ‘Team Australia’. To have full command of both the english language and numeracy. And the value of it. For the good of humanity. A grasp of Imagination and language.
Two words will suffice; ‘Jobs and Growth’.