Designed by someone from anywhere else than Australia, bought to you by autocad, Massive Public Sculpure is what Sydney really needs.

Inheritors and custodians of the Cultural cringe. To thwart Philistinism and ensure sinecures for really really dull public Art installations.
We at pcbycp are not Philistines. Indeed, our journalists, acting on an initiative due to the unforseen outbreak of philistinism, during the term of the Abbott government, drew the ‘Dunstan line’ across the central half of the continent. When asked by a forum of artists, curators, and dubiously nominated “Arts professionals”, our curator, Lord Clarke, (No relation to Sir Kenny), described the Dunstan Line as “epithetic of our time”. He said; “Art is like a micro-climate, and it requires a whole range of specific environmental conditions in order to survive. Without nurturing, it perishes. Therefore in recognition of this, we’ve drawn this line, and as you can see, bit like the Goyder line, it’s in retreat. Not due to global warming, but to the virulent and excessive growth of Phiistinism, aided, by a strange and unforseen vector, the Arts administration middle manager. This species, the middle manager is the Crown of Thorns Starfish to the Australian art scene, and it’s not, and I make this fact clear, not an index of global warming or climate change. We fear it is a direct conesquence of media ownership. With the latest concessions to media owership we see artistsic thought, imagination and culture, under threat of EXTINCTION’.
As a consequence, we at Pcbycp who regard ourselves as the virtual school of Athens in the media world, applaud the controversial cloud sculpture for Sydney. WE believe the cost of this object is immaterial. Great art should not have a price tag, (unless it is owned as collateral by a hedge fund manager). Futhermore we would go as far as to say without great art, a species is unable to replenish itself. True, some great art is the spirit of the city itself. Take Venice for example, there is not so much public art, but just a profusion of architecture, art, sculpture and topography which all constitutes a superb vibrant organism of art. Which incidentally is being destroyed by mass tourism.
But Sydney has none of this connectivity. It is a city founded on the principles of greed, short termism, and corruption. What other vehicle to express this new age of “bugger you jack”, than a very expensive sculpture. The homeless will wonder at it, the plutocrats will admire its shininess, and ordinary folk will stand in stupified wonder. To wonder, like the energy policy vaccum, how it came to this. And the final question. Is it fun?
It must be, cos the curator, says so.
In Melbourne there is no such issue with public art. It has Docklands. An elephant’s graveyard for public art. Public Sculpture. Massively over-sized public sculpture is used to offset the depletion of humanity. Art is not a link to an inner aesthetic being, but a corporate statement. And for a while it seemed to work. Whilst people baulked, financial institutions flocked there. The sterility of everything, and the Stalinesque voidism of Public Art gave them certainty. But now a new debilitating condition threatens the micro climate’s very existence. Another Crown of Thorns Starfish, the curse of the middle manager you may wonder? No! Something Much worse. It is a conditon describes as PAMS. A four letter word, ‘Public Art Mortality Syndrome’.
Yes, folks, Public Art, most of it bad, Is killing people. The incidents of suicide were non existent at Docklands before 2000. Now they have skyrocketed. There is no other viable explanation. Public Art, like renewable policy , (according to Craig Kelly) is killing people.
Sydney, you have been warned. Public Art will kill you.