Dear Oh Dear! How grim things can get. Blimey!
Doom and gloom predictions from newspapers and journalists the world over. All the lefties opining with bleeding-heart editorials how we’d stuffed our chance, and thrown ourselves into the abyss.
Gordon Bennet! It didn’t arf make me larf!!! The papers, would have you think the sky’s fallen in. Worse than climate change!. The Guardian and the Independent goin at it hammer and tongs, saying it’s a right whack from the have-nots!
Bollocks! That’s not what the Sun and Daily Mail think! And they’ve got a REAL readership!! The Germans are apoplectic. The Berliner Morgenpost and the Suddeuttscher Zeitung, are reeling. And wait for it, ‘a sense of deep disappointment”. Can you believe that? Whatta Nerve. The Frenchies have got it in for us also. No joy from Le Monde and Le Figaro. To quote the bleedin obvious, wouldn’t give a Figaro for what they think. And cop this, the Eyeties who couldn’t hold a government to save themselves for years and years are apoplectic. I mean I arks you? The truth be known, Do we care? Nyah! As Corporal Jonesey used to say; ‘We put it up em”! ‘They don’t like the bayonet’! We showed em at Omdurman!… We showed em. And they don’t like it!
There’s still roar in this ol lion!
They’ve (the 48 percenters and the rest of em) got it all wrong. This brexit thing had to happen, Got to the stage where you couldn’t see the wood for the trees. Or as we’d say, ‘the leavers from the Poles’ Ha ha. Get it!!
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‘Never in the history of humankind has such a monumental fuckup been wrought by just a handful of idiots’. (attributed to Winston Churchill)
But c’mon it aint that bad. Boris and Nige will put it right. Didn’t the German foreign minister quote Nietzsche (who’s he when he’s at home?) “What doesn’t kill us, will only make us stronger’. Well aint he right, and fancy a German havin a sense of humour. But when the chips are down, you know we rally round. When Kaiser Bill sent over the Zeps thinking we’d chuck it in. “Are we downhearted’? went the cry, ‘No’! We just ‘packed up our troubles in our ol kitbag’, and didn’t we half laugh ourselves sick. Did we worry? Nyah! When we swarmed over the trenches and bled ourselves white on the western front for nuffink, did we falter? Nyah! When we told Mr Hitler, ‘he was kiddin’ did we worry we might offend? Nup! We stood firm and told him to “ Shut it”! We sure did. And you know why we stood up to him and any other tin pot foreign potentate? Because it’s a matter of principle. Pure and simple. It’s ‘axopneumatic’ as they say; Somebody’s gotta take the rubbish out. And that same somebody’s gotta stop more rubbish from coming in! In the end, we stood together and won. And don’t forget. Those were the best days of our lives.
These E.U busy-bodies, have got to be taught manners. That comes from breeding. Pure and simple. Foreigners lack breeding. They think that by dissing those europeans and other ‘worse’ foreigners we’ve committed national, or as it’s been put irrational hari kiri? C’mom China, it aint that bad. And the younger generation are dissed that we’ve blown their chances. They’ll learn. With crushing disappointment comes an eternal ‘home truth’ and a love of the flag. “There’s a silver lining, through the dark clouds shining’!
And just to let you know that there’s nuffink to worry about, Donald turned up in Scotland to have a big pow wow with the Big Chief. Big Chief? No silly! Not Cameron. Not Corbyn either stupid! Not even Boris. But the one great leader who stands alone to make the world go round. The Lord of Darkness himself. Not Darth Vader either stupid. But Rupert!
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Quiz. Spot the Lord Of Darkness. (Thinks; ‘last time this many old people ran the world was in August 1914’.)
And did they all sit down and cry like a bunch of sissies? Nyagh! They had a good ol laugh. Just as we did, as we sang “Roll out the barrel” and ‘Down at the hole in the wall” when the Luftwaffe tried to blow us to bits. Well it aint bombs now, and their not raining on us either. We’re raining em on ourselves. Fancy that! And its fear of everyfink that’s got us going. So have a cup o tea. Sit in the ol comfy chair, turn on the wireless and listen to Arthur Askey, and George Formby. They’re performing at the Empire tonight with Tommy Hanley. And we’ll all have a good ol laugh. Gotta go now, Dame Vera is singing ‘Wish me luck” always an ol favourite.
You know, they’ve always been right. Ol Rupert, and his mates. What makes England great? It’s past. If only we had another war. That’d fix things up a bit.
Another war. We were really happy then.
Rupert tells us it’ll be over by Christmas.
God bless him.
He’s surely due for a knighthood by now.