Restoring Faith in these challenging times


We at pcbycp are so glad, (ecstatic would be an understatement) that his holiness Cardinal George Pell is FREE. 

You heard it first from us. 

In these times of worry. These times of significant change. It is a comfort, though disease may rent our values, our systems, our economy asunder, and lead us into a new dark age, it is a comfort to know that the High Court has made the RIGHT decision. 

Our faith in our political system and politicians, even our faith in superannuation and franking credits as the greatest asset of our times has been questioned by the ill-informed masses.  As a consequence, it is a sincere and deep source of comfort to know that a leader amongst us, a man of integrity and worth recognised the world over is redeemed. He is FREE . 


FREE because RIGHT minded people, our judiciary, made the RIGHT decision. 

For this, from some wayward and ill – informed sections of the community they will be damned. 

But not from Lord Rupert of Murdoch. From the cohorts of the Catholic Boys Daily, (the Australian) a thanks-giving will ensue and make this day, the 7th of April a day to be remembered when a terrible WRONG was made RIGHT!

From our political class, devalued as currency ever since Andrew Robb took the golden handshake from the Golden Dragon Lucky 888 Eight consortium to represent a friendly power at the Darwin port takeover, there will be mutterings. 


But we know that for once and all. In spite of all the turmoil wreaking havoc amongst Banking, the Church, and Big Business. Decent hard working big businesses, like Exxon, and Transurban and Amazon. Who have been made wealthy through their capacity under the beneficence of a willing GOD to find untapped wealth within the community. Pay no taxes, and take those assets and convert them to rivers of gold, so that some shareholders may find wealth. So that that they be saved. In this alone, comes redemption. This is the silver lining, the prosperous post-corona future, that will anoint true believers. Those righteous few. 

No one will question their credentials because PELL GOES FREE!

No one will bewail the loss of footy and cricket, because now PELL IS FREE!

No one will question the role of police, protective service officers, and the army and ASIO in restricting our movements, thoughts and society because, PELL IS FREE!!

The Bell tolls for PELL. 



The establishment is SAFE!

These are glorious times for a man of GOD!


To proclaim to the world that he stood firm against the chattering classes. He stared suffering mendicants, snivellers, and untermensch in the face, and slammed the door, (righteously) in their faces. He did all this as a MAN of GOD and a man of ROME. His leadership showed us, that in spite of this hateful trend for little people to complain about being abused, (righteously) and their trivial concerns about their pettifogging human rights, and their pathetic rights to not be buggered, fingered in showers or just condemned to a miserable life for just being an orphan, a little boy or girl or for just being human, that he was RIGHT, and they were WRONG!

Cardinal, (Oh Lord be praised Cardinal), let the bells and people rejoice!

Cardinal,  (The unjust shall be smote by the righteous lord), has prevailed. 

And why?


Because Cardinal. George Ignatius, George (of the snotty nose of the infant Jesus), knows that the little people have been put back in their RIGHT place. That the High Court has cast the final stone, and this is the final word. 

Todays sermon, is; “if you speak out you will be squashed”. 

Squashed by those in POWER to preserve POWER!

We as a people, must respect ORIGINAL SIN!

Or… suffer the consequences.  For as St John, and St Sebastian will tell you, Suffering brings you closer to an all loving GOD. And a bit of fear never did anyone any harm. 

George for GG is in the offing. Elevation to that august throne will be assured. 


Cant wait to read Georges Bio, (the foreword by his holiness Saint Tony  Abbott of Santamaria), available at all good Catholic Bookstores for $6.66*.


  • Pensioner Discount; “thirty pieces of silver”.