Dear reader, this mouthpiece is not usually associated with the culture of complaint as the late Robert Hughes so eloquently put it, but today we make an exception. We are Sick and tired. Excuse us, we’ll say it again for good measure, SICK AND BLOODY TIRED of the Green’s behaviour these past few weeks. Could they please sit still. We, the electorate pay them good coin. Apparently even the most slob- like scrofulous back bencher is paid upwards of 190 thou, to sit on their arse and think God ,King and Country. Why then, every time a One Nation Senator begins their outburst, do they walk out? We want them to represent us and not shirk their responsibilities.
It’s not good enough. It’s bad enough knowing that rusted on fogey lefty tree hugging Lee Rhiannon, whom we are led to believe is loathed, detested and abhorred by the entire party remains in spite of attempts to dislodge her. But this is one instance where we want her to stay. To make it quite clear that as another elder entitled baby boomer, she’s not more interested in her massive parliamentary benefits for just staying than being an agency of change. She’s earnt, it. We implore her to stay. She’s on a bloody good wicket. So is the P.M and he doesn’t even need the money.
This walking out has just got to stop. We demand they stay. Not only that, we demand they stay and have a laugh. Demonstrate to us in Churchillian mode, that the opposition can do whatever I likes, threaten, beat, berate, bomb, and we’ll just sit back and have a good laugh.
It all points to one thing. The Greens, though noble, self sacrificing idealists of truth, justice and integrity, no less noble than the annointed sons and daughters who stand before the god-head of Anzac, and all its infinite worth, lack something. A sense of humour. And why shouldn’t they laugh out loud? It’s what One Nation needs. Every time a One Nation senator says something really silly, we all need to laugh.

We suggest that this uniform would look good on PBC management. Perhaps a ” nuanced” Border Force uniform could be adapted to lesser tier members of the PBC.
Take Brain Burstin’s speech. Brain, doesn’t like multiculturalism. He’s dead right. He reckons the ‘public broadcaster is unfairly biased against conservatives and has been the victim of a “cultural Marxist takeover”. Brain reckons; “A fair balance might be struck by leaving the minority ethnic channels intact while transferring funding from the ABC to establish a new channel that might be called the Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation, whose explicit mission would be to represent the identity and interests of mainstream Australia,” He reckons the nation is losing its “Anglo-Australian identity”. Too effin right. We’ve been saying this for years. That it’s time the tide of the Marxist, Bolshevist construct of crime, deprivation, rape, burglaries, was stemmed. This is a white man’s country. and we must retain the principles that guided us in colonising. And that’s not just the stuff we perpetrate still, on the first australians.
But now, Brain reckons both Liberal and Labor are colonising us with wogs and spiks, and dagos’, and chinks and mussies. Tgere’s no room left for ” Angry White Men”. He reckons it’s outta control. And that’s why we need a PBC. A Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation. On this line Brian is dead right. And unlike the Greens, he STANDS for something. But, he’s not going hard enough and this is where the Greens are so frustrating. We need a Propaganda Broadcasting Corporation. With real uniforms and promotion. Rapid promotion for those prepared to do a bit of correspondent reports from the eastern front, the middle eastern front, where the art of colonising and civilising is our burden. Good onya Brain. And Good on the PBC. And for once, just once, can you humourless bastards of the Greens…….. Sit STILL!!!