Once again another scintillating instalment on the phoney election from our sage of psephology Paddy O’ Caermeda. They say there’s nothing new in politics, and human behaviour, but Paddy begs to differ and if he’s listening, our P.M, Mr Malcolm Abbott, would be uneasy. And it’s not just about banking, but Accounting 101, and the inevitable consequence of what happens when one and one mean one percent. Problem is, that’s what happens when you’re only tuned to the one percent. Fortunately the other 99 percent, seem to be tuning into a different wavelength. ‘Hmmmm’…as the Bishop said to the Abbott, “Interesting times”. And now for Paddio’s take. …. read on.

Malcolm Abbott. Our current school captain. Captain of first eleven, and has expressed an interest in accountancy and banking when he grows up.
There is just a chance that Malcolm Turnbull could be the third Prime Minister out of four to only have a single term (joining Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott) and the third Prime Minister out of four not to have a full term (joining Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott).
This galling possibility may be faint, but there is in the lack of a clear agenda and the on again off again policy announcements a sense of free-fall. Now I should at this point declare that I am a republican (of the no monarchy type not the American version) and so I really shouldn’t be excited by the prospect of a Royal Commission, but the idea of Australia’s Banks being held to account for all the business they do to make money that generates nothing of value is tantalising. In any other context, at any other time for a Labor opposition leader to propose this would be death, with those of long memory recalling Chiffley’s failed bid to nationalise the banks.

Julia, scorer and statistician of second eleven. Had hoped to be captain of the first eleven team but deposed by school council subject to section three, paragraph four.
But these are not other times. Bill Shorten is looking positively statesmanlike and has the unlikely cheer squad of dumped Nationals front bencher Luke Hartsuyker, that huge intellect George Christensen, fellow National John Williams and the conscience of the North, Warren Entsch. Should the Prime Minister decide that his derided Labor thought-bubble is in fact the foundation of policy and decide to act he will be caving again to a group including the right wing fringe.

Former Captain of school’s first eleven, Tony Turnbull. Wrote section three paragraph four, which excluded wonen from the change rooms and selection committee. Planning a comeback to first eleven as manager.
So let’s distract – announcement after announcement of infrastructure, with just enough public transport over roads to make him look different from Abbott. These are backed by a television advertising campaign that would make the scriptwriters of Utopia blush. Combined with a new Union bashing exercise by threatening to abolish the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (of all things) this non-campaign campaign is looking very reactionary. The almost inescapable conclusion is that the government is not setting the Agenda.
By placing its fate and the date of the election in a group of cross-benchers it gave away its key advantage, without a story to tell.
There’s just a chance…..