Dear reader, as you may recall, the pcbycp duo of intrepid investigative journalists, Quent and Ces were on the hunt for the penis wielding oppressor who so shamefully defiled Mrs Culthorpe. And to demonstrate that honour still stood as a code amongst decent men they determined to catch the culprit at whatever cost!
But the closer they got to the PM’s office the more they became entangled in a Machiavellian Machination of miasmic malignancy, to whit they now find themselves about to be castrated and much worse by an angry mob of very very angry women hell-bent on exacting revenge upon the patriarchy. But just when they were to be relieved of hemispheres hitherto held hinter-most the throng were distracted. And to a woman, stood up and listened. A live feed from somewhere within the interstices of Federal Parliament distracted them. Will, Quent and Ces escape the prerequisites of employment as eunuchs in the Caliphs court? Or will they roll away on hemispheres untarnished? Find out in this next circumferential episode. …..
The sounds Ces, Quent and the angry mob were uncanny, yet unerringly familiar. Quoit playing in Parliament? Or something much worse….read on…..
This was beyond the pale.,
And then to confirm our worst suspicions, an exhaustive “Uggghhhhuuhhhhhrrrrr” from one of the un-named participants and a round of applause from his companions. Was the exhultative groan epithetic of some more visceral activity that affronted the very core of parliamentary standards?
Pole-axed, could this be true? Or was it the evil CCP infiltrating the corridors of power and making our leaders, respected and revered the world over to be parodied as infantile, puerile, penis fixated, onanistic tools?
WE held our breath, clearly a Russian ploy, and as the ‘wimmin-hood’ paused, and stood aghast, we saw our opportunity and crawled right under em. And finding an attractively designed sewer maintenance, ‘person-hole’ we prised it open and slid in.
And that’s where we found ourselves under the Parliament itself. In the sewerage system, the bowels of the nation so to speak, and that’s I’m afraid dear reader is where our next set of troubles really began.
Ces chuckled, he was always good to have in a tight squeeze; ’Jeez Quent, the rapist ‘d be shittin himself, who would’ve thought, one moment we’re about to be de- balled and now we’re up to our necks in shit’.
‘Funny’ I mused, ‘down here you can’t really tell sheilah-shit from bloke-shit’.
‘There’s equity in that’! Ces sniggered.
You had to admit it was funny, you’d think their shit didn’t’.. I never finished, we just collapsed with laughter. …
What troubles.
We were in a darker place than a backbenchers stipend unassisted by lobbyists from the Coal industry, and without the kickbacks or the proverbial barbed wire canoe, we were borne along by the flow of raw sewerage.
Ces ejaculated: ’why’s it going the wrong way’? ‘Too right’! Quent affirmed; “these Sheilah’s have no idea’!
“Nah not that, it’s the flow of the sewerage. By my calculations the outflow should be going south, but listen’. WE listened and sure enough the ‘woosh woosh’ was getting closer. The dreadful truth dawned, the sewerage was not flowing away from Parliament, but towards it. With our heroes borne by the sludge. What lies in store? And why is the sewerage going towards the highest office in the land? Rather than away, as sewerage is SUPPOSED TO DO? Does this point to something portentous?
Will Ces and Quent be able to save the office of the P.M from more ignominy? And what were those sounds that so distracted the throng?
Are Quent and Ces expecting a big job from Parliament?
Will their downfall be their outfall?
Find out in our next evacuating episode of pcbycp;
“A royal flush and you’re Prince Andrewed” or…….
“A sink hole in Canberra? Spot the difference”.