Gerry Gee. More animated than Bill, and barracks for Richmond. Knows about suffering and the human condition.
This election is so boring. Why should Malcolm win? He gave us this overlong election campaign. Why should Bill win? He’s boring. More boring than Malcolm. He makes Gerry Gee look animated, and that’s not all, intelligent too!! Malcolm is an utter bore, excuse me this indulgence, but it’s true, Malcolm is Thurston Howell beefsteak, pinot and perfect teeth. Bill is a cardboard cut-out, with velcro tabs. That’s the truth plain and simple.
The Greens are annoying. They’re right about climate, industry, society and globalism, but they’re so shrill, sanctimonious and pure it makes me puke. Puritans wore black, now they are green. It’s almost makes me yearn for the good old networks of big business, Parakeelia, and artful Arty. And the likes of Uncle Eddie, the odd bit of thuggery and the principled stand of those former glories, R.J.Hawke, and his stunt that; ‘No child should live in poverty’.
Christ I can’t bear it any longer. Incidentally in case you hadn’t noticed, the environment is fucked and no one cares.

Morbius trialling Shorten robot Mk. 1.
Elsewhere politics is much more interesting. In the U,S they’re stark raving bonkers. Even a shooting by another hung up, sexual-religious disfunctive is cause for fascination. As everyone points to the cause, but not the root cause. The root of
fear. Of God. And punishment. And finding, as society always does, a scapegoat. Thank God for the Muslims. Without them we might have to look to ourselves, and that would broach the yawning abyss.
Like Morbius in ‘Forbidden Planet’, our world is captive to our fear, our inner id, the neurosis of a people who historically have everything, but have nothing.
And in the U.K, they’re junking the E.U. That’s what you get with half a century of ‘On the Buses’, ‘Dad’s Army’, ‘Coronation Street’ and ‘Neighbours’. A yearning, nostalgic at best, for the good ol days. ‘During the War” when poor people were buggered, we forelock tugged to oblivion, and gave ourselves up in rivers of blood on the Somme valley so that the chinless wonders could good mannerdly posture and pillage. The Twenty-first century is looking terribly like the eighteenth century, but there aint an enlightenment. It’s a Russian sort of enlightenment. Vladimir likes Donald, cos like Vladimir he’s a big leader, strong on breast-beating and that low grade brand of nationalism. And like all good oligarchs it points to a future, codified since the Third Reich. This one aint against jews, gypsies and gays, but the rest of the humanity. Look out, future schlock never looked so scary. Gone the puritanism, here forever, the hell that Dante could only have dreamed of. On a plate, bought to you by Rupert, and the cheer squad of the neo cons. Sad thing they just don’t know what they play with. And with anzackery almost running its course there’s nowhere else for us to go but a war. A bigger one.
That’s why i’m voting the Sex Party. Buggered if I know what they stand for. But sex is pretty good, that sends a message to the puritans. And they wanna tax the filthy rich fairly, make offshore companies pay tax, and wait for it, reckon that churches should not be tax exempt. Might even curb the Parakeelia, scam. We can only hope. And they stopped those old bastards from harassing young women outside the abortion clinic. And the thing that really gets me excited about the Sex Party, no puritanism, just a commitment for more sex and a good laugh. ‘Fornicate to the future’, albeit a four word slogan, but one we can all enjoy. Cheers