By Quentin Cockburn
‘Hoover was an engineer and entrepreneur who was worth four million by the start of the First World War. As President, his past statements haunted him like a bill collector. It was not just his inaugural prediction that the United States was close to eliminating poverty forever, nor his propensity-around the corner forecasts. One statement defining character by how much money somebody had, followed Hoover everywhere. “If a man has not made a million dollars by the time he is forty, he is not worth much,” Hoover had said in the giddy days, when America was a crapshot with good odds. ‘The Worst Hard Time’, Timothy Egan. Houghton Mifflin.
It has recently come to our attention that something must be done about housing affordability. With the average mean price of an inner city house in Sydney and Melbourne exceeding one million dollars, clearly, as the Federal Treasurer suggested; ‘Get yourself a well paid job, and get yourself into the market’. He’s right if you haven’t got a reasonably well paid job, (say in excess of 150k), you’ve got ‘Buckley’s’. Some taxpayers are upset by the Treasurers comments, which suggest by inference that their basic salaries of between seventy to eighty thousand preclude them from ever getting a job that pays enough to get that foothold. The Treasurer is quite right; ‘get a well paid job work hard’.
What he’s talking about is a REAL job, not one of those awful Service Industry jobs. I know he’s suggested that they represent the future of this country, but what he’s really stating, (and someone had to show leadership here), that those jobs; Nursing, Teaching, Thinking, Emergency and Childcare, (please fill in the list as it’s endless) don’t earn enough and will NEVER earn enough because they’re not sufficiently well paid. They are not worthwhile jobs either as they only service and sustain the community.

The Treasurer Joe Hockey. Worked hard. Got a well paid job. Owns nice family house in desirable inner Sydney suburb. Owns several investment properties. Employment: middle manager. Entertainment and Fashion.
They don’t create REAL WEALTH. And do you know? I can say what the Treasurer daren’t; ‘They’re too lazy or STUPID to qualify’. The Treasurer trumpets the service industries. But unless you’re an executive in healthcare, toilet cleaning or any other service orientated sphere you’re Pegged. Stratified, Stiffed, Boned, Buggerred! What he’s really saying, and I think this is fair, is that if you’re not CLEVER enough to get a job as an Investment Banker, a Surgeon, a Q.C, or a member of the Judiciary. If you’re not part of Edie Obeid’s’ extended family. If you lack the intelligence an tenacity to become a successful Prestige Car Salesman, a Real Estate Agent, a Tradie or Sports Medicine consultant to teams other than the Essendon Football Club, you might as well resign yourself to not living in Melbourne or Sydney.
What he’s talking about is a REAL job, not one of those awful Service Industry jobs. I know he’s suggested that they represent the future of this country, but what he’s really stating, (and someone had to show leadership here), that those jobs; Nursing, Teaching, Thinking, Emergency and Childcare, (please fill in the list as it’s endless) don’t earn enough and will NEVER earn enough because they’re not sufficiently well paid. They are not worthwhile jobs either as they only service and sustain the community. They don’t create REAL WEALTH. And do you know? I can say what the Treasurer daren’t; ‘They’re too lazy or STUPID to qualify’. The Treasurer trumpets the service industries. But unless you’re an executive in healthcare, toilet cleaning or any other service orientated sphere you’re Pegged. Stratified, Stiffed, Boned, Buggerred! What he’s really saying, and I think this is fair, is that if you’re not CLEVER enough to get a job as an Investment Banker, a Surgeon, a Q.C, or a member of the Judiciary. If you’re not part of Edie Obeid’s’ extended family. If you lack the intelligence an tenacity to become a successful Prestige Car Salesman, a Real Estate Agent, a Tradie or Sports Medicine consultant to teams other than the Essendon Football Club, you might as well resign yourself to not living in Melbourne or Sydney.

Shreck. Hockey’s Half brother. Also successful. Owns several investment properties and Castle. Lives near Sydney. (Balmain) Votes Green.
He’s quite right. Not only are these service workers, these menials stupid, but to even think of gaining a foothold in those markets is an affront to good banking practice. Banks wont lend money to losers. Joe owns a portfolio of investment properties. He gets a negative gearing kickback. A superannuation kickback. A huge Parliamentary salary and perks. Dresses his kiddies up on Budget day to look like the Fauntleroy twins. Joe really knows what he’s talking about. Not every one can be Federal Treasurer. So suck it up. LOSER!! Joe also is committed to not doing anything about the sicko, outta control investment property investors and the flood of bent cash from China. Because they don’t pay tax, they have capital to invest. It’s the trickle down effect. What’s good for Real Estate Agents is good for the economy. How can you expect people who have worked in Schools and Hospitals who pay PAYE tax, to ever get a foothold!!! The notion is preposterous and dangerous for business. Joe Hockey is right again. What contribution do these lower tier professionals make? And why shouldn’t they be happy with those sixteen hours a week lost to commuting and their segregation into the newer outer suburbs. They’re exile from the cities will stimulate growth for the real drivers of the economy. The heavy lifters!! The Real Estate and Development Industry. There’s always a silver lining. Get over It. Nice to see wages growth stalling for the underpaid. ‘The working poor’? It’s just an expression!! Clearly they’re not working hard enough.!! Q.E.D. That’s why they’re POOR!!