Good morn attendees, todays spirited poetry Sunday is sort of poetic and epithetic. It’s from our pcbycp composer, and musician, Dr. G.T Beauregarde.
As you may remember, in order to assuage the loss felt by GT in losing his statue in New Orleans (in the state of Louisiana) to the forces of devastating social and political change, he has returned to the keyboard. And in doing so penned this song, which we think describes the arrival of the First Fleet. There may have been other fleets , but as they were foreign, they are not applicable to school textbook syllabus. And we know via the Catholic Boys Daily (The Australian) that the First fleet brought with it the civilising influences of good governance, the rule of law… mining and real estate. We believe, (upon closer listening) the ditty may have something to do with ‘Black Lives Matter’, or the new street art adjacent the Trump Tower, or perhaps Alexander Downers recent assistance to the people of East Timor in telecommunication and intra office listening devices. Sadly, it reminds us of the wicked infamy of Witness K who deserves to be punished for treason by blowing the whistle on his mates, who are only trying to help his other richer mates get richer still. It’s Un- Astraylan
If you can tell us what the song is about, please send your answer via morse, telegraph or semaphore, and we’ll send you the Corona-Survivors Kit, which consists of one half bottle of Green Ginger wine, (to be topped up with a cordial of your choice) a packet of Senior Service Cigarettes and a betting slip.
Authorities Deemed GT’s Statue to be offensive, (‘Cruelty to equestrian bronze horse”) and had it removed in the “DEAD OF NIGHT”
So, sit back, have a listen, and hear GT’s perfect nuance and expressive syncopation between the third and minor chord in D flat. And if that doesn’t help, seek medical advice.