We at pcbycp are delighted wih the current trend in Federal Government decision making.

Hannah Clarke and her kids, needn’t have worried about the Feds doing anything. The economy is way more important.
Firstly we’d just like to take this opportunity to thank the domestic violence enquiry for their excellent deliberations. (The Senate inquiry into domestic violence, set up days after a Brisbane mother and her three children were burned to death, has wrapped up three months early, without taking submissions or holding public hearings. ABC News 20/5 ).Taking a leaf from Witness K all the deliberations of this Senate Enquiry were done without public scrutiny, submissions or any external force of experience, wisdom and analysis. Sensibly they’ve decided that enough is being done and that’s good enough. WE approve. As stated in Leviticus Chapter 2 v5. ‘If she annoys, even in as much as making a sneering or dismissive gesture, we must unite as the patriachy and she must be stoned.’ So good to see God-fearing elected politicians ensuring the principle that women shall still be killed as a fundamental plank of Australian Domestic policy. As Lord Rupert of Murdoch himself famously said, “ A society without fear is one depleted of negativity and the truth that dreams and aspirations are not for ordinary people, but the wealthy’. On this principle of universal impoverishment WE concur wholheartedly.
But this is the just the metaphorical tip of the kitchen knife, axe, sword, garden rake, length of pipe, claw hammer, saw, rope, cable-tie, nine gauge wire, petrol bowser conflagration, and shooting, immolation, death through strangulation, smothering, mutilation, throwing off the cliff, drive by shooting and rape tortutre and mental abuse of good decison making.
There’s more.
The Select Committee on Energy, released their discussion paper. Stacked to the brim with climate denialist fossil-fuel lobbyists they came to the inescapable conclusion that Australia is not ready for full scale renewables. Hosted by that stalwart of native grass protection, and the doctor of doctored documents, Angus Taylor, this is just what the doctor ordered. The potential of renewables on cost, convenience and sheer common sense is eschewed and sidelined by more Fossil Fuels investment. Chief amongst them Gas. And this is the punchline, we are back to Year 1 of the Abbott ascendancy. There is room, it’s on the table, it’s a second coming, for that great shibboleth of the fossil fuel lobby group. Clean Coal.
Excuse us, for effect we repeat it in bold type. …CLEAN COAL!!
Thankyou Angus. Once again you know how to look after your self interest and those of the lobbyist. Once again an opportunity for an engaged, imaginative, and ecolocically, economically and industrially suportive move into renerwables has been stiffed by you and your mates.
And we at Pcbycp are so happy. We are happy for the billions more that will be spent on Clean Coal technologies. After the billions already spent on CCT we know that none of them work. Yet, stoically there’s still taxpayers millions to be thown to the wind, sorry into the pit. Who said ‘Black wasn’t GOLD’!

This bloke couldn’t win a meat tray in a raffle. He’s the gold standard in non- public enquiries. We tried to interview the other bloke, ( Julian Syringe) but he’s not taking calls.
We jump for joy that you’ve stiffed an opportunity for a home grown energy industry that isnt just sucking stuff up or digging stuff out. We applaud your nostalgic determination to keep Australian industry needs and the pollution welded to archaic energy policy. We are overjoyed, that through the sterling work of yourself and your lobbyists who pay you, there is no energy policy. No sensible carbon tax. No concept of adaptation to a cleaner future. We delight in the joy of seeing the taxpayer, who happens to be the beneficiary of gas sold to us at vastly higher pricas than we export it to the rest of the world screwed……. again. You’ve arrived at an energy policy that fits with our domestic violence policy, that nothing shall change, and in that we are safe from the fear of realising our potential.
You have enusured another generation of rent – seeking corporations that pay no tax can screw and screw and screw the taxpayer into oblivion. You demonstrated thus with ‘Jam land’, But jam wasn’t what you had in mind for the taxpayer. For them you chose Vegemite. You little Vegemite driller you!*
- (Dear reader, we are unsure as to what ‘Vegemite driller’ refers to. Clearly it’s a figure of speech, and in colloquial form could suggest a lewd interpretation of unorthodox sexual practices. We have referrred this matter to the highest authority, the High Court, and await their determination.
- We apologise for the tenor of this piece, as it suggests improper practices between the taxpayer and the executive government. All inferences, real or imagined between the government’s relationship to the taxpayer and the practices of the East Ballarat Catholic Diocese to its younger parishoners are entirely co- incidental.)