We at pcbycp are increasingly worried about the trend of populist politics. All across the world we have seen the rise of a political class offering simple solutions to complex problems. Invariably, sensible, balanced policy which has given us the benefit of watching our hard working politicians receive sinecures, kickbacks, and exceptionally well paid post parliamentary careers courtesy of caring lobbyists has fallen foul of public opinion. This is not good for society. It shows a communication impasse. Whereby the public just don’t understand how seeking personal preferment through public office has a trickle down effect which is good for ordinary people and the bounty of “mainstream values”. Every way you look at it our society is being rent by vested interests, single issue parties and a public disgusted by the chicanery of political opportunism and rampant short termism. It’s a rot. And if you look at Turkey, the U.S, Brexit, Hungary, Poland, the Phillipines, and progressive societies like those found in Saudi Arabia, there is only one conclusion. Left wing ideology is killing our society.
Major political parties are under siege. In the upcoming Victorian election, the independents, and minors, once a speck, a fly spot on the page of legislative progress are set to take the reins of governance. And through their actions, pursue policy direction that could destabilise the security, stability and certainty of shopping, pumping the housing sector, and the benefit of prisons for everyone. This is a worrying trend. Some of these minor parties are even talking of the “Commonwealth”, as if it means something more profound than siphoning public assets into private coffers. And some are thinking that it’s time that politics was made accountable through a national anti corruption scheme. This is the thin end of the wedge. And it just got thinner still with Getup’s plan to oust Tony Abbott from the safe seat of Wahringah. The former PM Tony Abbot has done more for the coal sector the any politician in Australian History, and has worked, harder than Bob Santamaria to destroy the very fabric of his party. For this he should be celebrated as a man of conviction. Instead Getup want to destroy him.
Such a scheme by Getup is insidious, and further betrays out trust in the system that has served some of us so well.

Tony Sanataria and Maurice Newman hard at work defending mainstream values, and as a minor consequence, the vested interests of VERY WEALTHY PEOPLE!
Good news then that a committed cabal of millionaire business men have set up the new lobbying group “Advance Australia”. Like the ‘Monash Forum’, these very wealthy people are committed to see this slide into political correctness, vision, and fair mindedness stop. And in doing so “Advance Australia”. The groups direction is to re assert mainstream values. The values that made Australia Great, (again). They are convinced that powerful elites are taking over Australia. Not the likes of Gina, Twiggy and Clive, but the left. And by saying “left” those forces that would strip Australia of the certainty of mandatory incarceration for aboriginal males, stoning of women, alienation of anybody who is not white, male, or heterosexual, and the right to rape, pillage and convert the land into an extractive industry or real estate.

Just like Stalingrad. Lefty Do -gooders at work destroying viable mainstream industries like COAL. Shown here at work destroying Mainstream Australian Values!
One of the groups members, Maurice Newman, who worked closely with the former PM Tony Abbott to stem the evil tide of climate science, likened their position to Stalingrad. ‘The lefties represent the tide of nazism. Unless ‘Advance Australia’ makes a stand the lefties will destroy these core values’. And we can only hope Maurice is right. The lessons of Stalingrad are with us every day. Our backs are to the wall. If they cross the metaphorical Don, we’re done for. (for those of our readers who are members of the Advance Australia group, the Don is a river in Russia, and not a small goods manufacturer).

Lefty activists at work in Stalingrad. Forcing locals to build a wind turbine over their sacred coal-fired power station.
The left with their iniquitous plans, for public education, public health, equity and fairness are a scourge. After Stalingrad, it could be Magnetogorsk?
Or even worse….. tax reform!