The Coal-dust cloud emanates from the seat of Kennedy. ” It cameth to avenge the non- believers”, Corinthians Verse vi. Ch 12.
Dear reader, recent events beyond the Brisbane line indicate that fast changing phenomena are transforming the political landscape. Nothing we can do can stop the insidious creep of the dark cloud, that is gobbling up vast tracts of land. At first the weather forecasters believed it was a celestial phenomenon, a dust storm, or perhaps a rare atmospheric event. From Indonesia some projected. But chemical and trace analysis has proved one unalterable fact. A giant black cloud of creeping coal-dust is heading ominously further south. And there’s nothing we can do about it.
Children have been advised to stay indoors. The old and infirm have been advised to use towels, ventilators, and adhesive tape to block out the cracks in doors and windows and ensure that the cloud can’t find its way into homes. Worse still, the sites south of Brisbane which until quite recently were free from the black stain have been subsumed, and communication seems non existent. It’s like ‘The Beach’, a senior meteorologist cried as he gave his report from the Gold Coast. ‘One moment a shiny citadel shimmering in the midday sum, symbol of all money can buy, the next a black miasma in which all signs of life have been blotted out. At this rate we don’t know where it will stop’. A Scientist from the CSIRO climate department, the one left who does odd jobs since the government cut the funding have this to say, “never seen anything like it”.
Thinking the cloud was charged by some other unseen force, rather than purely an environmental phenomenon, we asked the experts.
Eminent psephologist Malcolm Mackerras was on hand to give his view. ‘The cloud seems to come from those elctorates in the deep north that believe the the earth is only six thousand years old, that woman was made in man’s image to be stoned, and questioning the orthodoxy of clean coal is a capital offence. WE can pinpoint the origin to the elctorate of Kennedy, and other electorates in which the coal orthodoxy is an unquestioned way of life. Last communication was that if Turnbull doesn’t dump Paris, Canberra is doomed. Well I’ve gotta tell you, he’s dumped Paris, and the genie is out of the bottle. And it can’t be stopped. WE need leadership in a crisis like this. And nothing short of a miracle can save us from coal-ageddon’.
The Prime Minister?, we asked. He guffawed, ‘Missing in action. Last thing we heard he was looking for a photo op with Merkel, then Vladimir, then Trump. He likes to be seen in those circles’. But the people are being subsumed we asked. ‘That’s o.k, he’s left Dutton in charge. They have Certainty’. Certainty of what? we asked ‘That the general mass of non Queeenslanders will soon adapt to their unque perspective on life’.
And what’s that?
‘To know that knowledge is an evil thing, that difference is a curse that saps White Australia of its vitality. And that if you’re not one of us, you’ll be sent to Nauru. And it seems to work. With absolute authority he has found a way to make Queensland adapt and thrive. The coal cloud is a repudiation, God’s vengenance on the non believers.
There is only one law.
Dutton’s law.
As is written in the Bible.
The insidious creep of the cloud of Coal Dust is overwhelming those electorates marked ” Green”. ‘For Green is the colour of Beelzebub, in his darkness’, ( Leviticus Ch3. V v1)
And it’s immutable…