Tarquin on the Convincing Grounds

That Tarquin!  Always measured, reserved, ready to compromise.  Well, not here, not in the case of white treatment of indigenes.  Here is Tarquin’s response to yesterday’s post.

As I’ve said in Man and Machine, the idea of ‘owning’ land only really took off after the Napoleonic Wars (1815).  That’s only 200 years ago.  Before that we were all commies, or commos.  The land was held ‘in common’.  Nobody owned it.  Discredited though Communism may be, not so much by Stalin and Kruschev, but by our own people who now had huge interest in keeping land in private ownership.  That’s why we fought the ‘threat of communism’, not because communism was bad, or a threat, or threatened something called ‘democratic freedoms’.  It had to be stopped because it threatened a well established system where vast amounts of profits could be made by a few ‘entrepreneurs’ while the rest of the population could go hang.
Anyway, Stalin’s, or Pol Pot’s, or North Korea’s systems were specifically totalitarian states. It was convenient for the West to label them as ‘Communist’.  but they were nothing of the kind.  It was pure propaganda.

The west convinced us all that the USSR and it’s imitators was Communism personified. That Communism WAS Totalitarianism.

And we believed them.

Living in a communal way benefits everyone.  Why we accept this bastard alternative beggars belief.
Israel was built up from absolutely nothing by people living in a strictly  communist or communal way.  Communism DOES work.  and everyone in that ‘community’ is protected.
What we have is a dog eat dog society which only survives because of the millions of volunteer workers who make our society work.  There is a pretence of a macho, John Wayne, survivor in the jungle society.  This is the type of society which belongs in kids adventure comics and really has no place in a properly adult world.  It is a dream, the impossible macho dream of young boys (not girls).  The difficulty is that these adolescent dreams survive into adulthood in the minds of men who have never grown up, never got beyond that 14 year old world where the easy answer is to shoot first and then there’s no need to ask questions.

You can see this uncomprehending 14 year old expression on our politicians’ faces when they get up in Parliament to twist the truth, to defend the indefensible, to lie about what went on in an offshore detention centre, or to accuse refugees of dumping their kids in the sea.
This is contemptible behaviour, the sort of behaviour men are supposed to grow out of as they ‘mature’.

I’ve taken up the cudgels in this business in the past.  It is my profound belief that men, without the more mature influence of women in Parliament, are unfit to govern.  They are a danger to us all.  Should you for a moment doubt what I say try counting the amount of deaths that our war mongering, shoot first solutions have caused.  A million people a year for the last hundred years.  At least one hundred million people.

It’s got to stop.