Dear reader, here’s something different from an entirly fresh, newish, and observant correspondent, none other than the estemed new man of letters Beaurepaire “narco” Dunlap. ‘BNP’ to
his mates. Dunlap gives us something completely different for Friday. Rather than satirise, which I can tell you get absolutlely boring after a while, Beau presents us with an insight into those places none of us ever dare to go, the afterlife of your dreams. The gnawing abyss of our self counsiousness, and for all of us, excepting Rupert, the inescapable counter reality of conscience.
read on…
Afterlife of Dreams, Winter 2015.
In this dream, vast numbers of people in this country believed we were facing a cataclysmic doom. In Canberra, the only human beings asked for comment on this catastrophe were Conservative die-hards, namely Andrew Bolt, Piers Akerman and Eric Abetz. In another city, the Labour factions were fighting to the death. From his office in Parliament, an incredulous Prime Minister was watching his countrymen and women succumb to the self-destructive terrors brought on by climate change and a disabling disillusionment with politicians.
In something of a follow up dream, I believed I was falling in love with the local Independent-for -Canberra candidate. She didn’t want me. She mistook me for a troublesome stalker and took out court injunctions against me, threatening dire consequences. So I tried to kill myself by staging a terrible car accident. I tried three times. Months passed, and turned into years, and my loving agony wore off and one day I gave up. The very next day I saw her in the local IGA supermarket, and I froze. She greeted me like a long lost friend and told me she had always been very fond of me and would I vote for her next time.
OOOHHH… what a tonic to the weekend, Stay tuned for Beau’s next installent in which the afterlife is given a huge nudge into the surealist absurdity of what we all know collectively as ; ‘this, that, and the other thing’.