Still more enquiries flood in. Unable to cope with the flurry, we’ve clogged the NBN super highway, and had to run down to Army Disposals and get two new morse sets, a heliograph and a native runner just to keep pace with the information. It’s information overload, and there seems no stopping the urgency, particularly from up north where the good folk of Queensland are inspired by the Worlds’ first coal powered spacecraft. And to be perfectly honest we’re inspired too, because we’ve been doing quite a bit of research after leaks supplied to us by the Peoples Republic of China via their ANU portal. The News is STUNNING! And proves a giant Leap for HUMANITY!
The Space colony itself is to be completely COAL FIRED!
The biggest question related to the worlds first ever coal powered rocket is how will the Mars colony survive? We have the answers to these and other vexed questions frorm our Minister for Science, Coal and Fundamentalist thought, Mr Canavan.

Australia proving it’s credentials in converting space into REAL ESTATE! Artists Impression of new space suburb CANAVAN.
“That has been worked out on two fronts. To make the Mars Mission viable, several government departments will be exported lock stock and barrel to Mars. We’re particularly interested on exporting the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation to Mars. They’ll be able to monitor the Earth more objectively from there. The colonies will then support themselves through a combination of biofuel and harnessing their own expatriated gasses’.
But we at pcbycp know that Bio-fuel and recyclying is not enough. We felt tempted to ask the Minister; “What is being done on Mars to assist Queenslanders in their struggle to be free of the tyrrany of reason and intelligence”?
He did not answer, but with much gravity picked up a chunk of coal and declared his faith in this vital resource.
We’re glad to say there’s an answer to this bigger question, A question that will determine the destiny of this bold enterprise. You may ask: “Will renewables power the Mars base”?After gleaning all the information sourced from the ANU Files we can comfortably answer that problematic question
Certainly Not!!!
Even as we speak we know that work is underway to equip a fleet of space barges.
More from the Minister;
‘WE shalll ship coal to Mars. We’ll call the coal handling port “New Newcastle”. The worlds first Bulk ore space extractor will take coal mined from the Carmichael Basin and Newcastle direct to Mars. Thus providing a proven reliable source of energy. This is a huge project. Only coal can provide a reliable power source. A project of this scale and vision demands the input from the Australian Taxpayer. Though profits will be siphoned into the mining companies for taking the risk of thinking about this project we see it’s only fit that it be 100 percent Taxpayer Funded. Think of it as a ‘Snowy in the Sky’, and you see how important it is to our global image.
On Oxygen? We’’ll mine the surface ice for water. We’ll then use the oxygen to burn the coal, and the carbon we’ll release into the atmosphere to create a greenhouse effect. It’ll make Mars warm, and as Tony Abbott said; “coal and a warmer planet is good for humanity’.
We asked the Minister: “and once you’ve you’ve used all the water on Mars as a resource?
How long will it last. ?
He answerered,

We at Pcbycp wish to acknowlede our team at Pcbycp Shenzhen branch in giving us this SPACE EXCLUSIVE! ( File image courtesy ANU Communications Dept).
“At least one earth electoral cycle. Beyond that, as you well know, no one gives a stuff’.