Dear reader , there have never been more exciting times.
For most of us life can be an endless stream of minor struggles as we attempt to balance our meagre income against the cost of living. Indeed there’s mortgage stress, rent stress, emotional stress, (as a consequence of the aforementioned), and on top of all that the stress we all suffer for falling short of key performance indicators. These can be varied and diverse, and they can range from satisfaction ratings, (liable to considerable fluctuation) and the miscellany of minor stresses. We can label a few; Mykey stress, traffic stress, blackboard scraping stress, (not so common now most classrooms have converted to whiteboards), gender specific stress and the day to day worries associated with erectile dysfunction and bedroom performance. All of the above, establishing a veritable obstacle course of real and imagined worry. It’s enough to make you want to stay in bed. And our only hope, is a basic native optimism that keeps us plodding on.
Good thing then, that revered demographer Bernard Salt demonstrates evidence of the ideas boom at work. It’s been difficult, with the further devaluation of the CSIRO, and the rise of Bernardii-ism to find substantive evidence of the innovation and ideas boom. Indeed the Prime Minister has kept it under covers. We can understand this, possessed, as he is with such intelligence and wisdom. It would be unwise, (bit like the f35 stealth fighter) to reveal all its advantages in one showing. We know that in no time flat, copies of the ‘ideas boom’ would be appearing, (identical to ours), in China, where they have no respect for copyright and intellectual property. Though we hasten to add, they (well members of the Communist party) have an extraordinary respect for French Empire and neo Georgian architecture. But the point is, that the P.M, has kept thinking well and truly in “shut down mode’, and that’s a bloody good thing, because it gives the economy stability. Without stability the Property Council would get the jitters. And when that happens EVERYTHING, a veritable house of cards, comes tumbling down.
Bernard Salt made a critical observation. Millennials have a penchant for expensive sandwiches. You see!! An ‘ideas boom’ singularity. He’s really clever our Bernard. Not only is he a demographer, but he knows what’s going on across the board. And he does this by sitting in cafes.

Soup Kitchen. Responsible eating. Soon to be released Australia-wide as an ‘Ideas Boom Millennial Nation Building Initiative’.
Bernard probably got a free education. Bernard also probably paid next to nothing for a house. Bernard, most likely has a whole army of millennials working as interns in his office for free. Bernard also has probably made squillions by just sitting on his arse and watching the property that he bought cheaply just get more and more expensive. And Bernard knows that his generation, (the annointed baby Boomers) have never ever ever had it so good. Bernard is right to comment on the millennials. They can never ever scrub up to be quite as successful as him. He comes from a golden age. And quite rightfully, he feels scorn for those no hopers. Even before they finish Uni they’ll have a hundred thousand dollar debt, some of them can never ever pay. Losers!!
Bernard is dead right, they are wasting their meagre allowance on Avocado mash, and things like food, clothing, and perhaps dentistry. They’re pathetic! No wonder they can’t ever afford a house. Members of the communist party can. They’ve also worked hard, like Bernard. He wishes they’d buck up. Get real. Face facts, and work bloody hard. There’s no use telling them. And pathetically they (the millennials) say what’s the use?. Bernard is made of the right stuff. The millennials are like a sore that wont heal. Bernard must pick at that sore. Pick it. And better still, as we all know they feel pain, which they deserve, Bernard (respected demographer) sees the open wound in our society. And knows what to do. Rub Salt into it.