The Life of Brian. Head of European Coal lobby really angry now!!

brian ricketts euracoal

‘Furious’!! Brian, the ashen faced CEO of Eurocoal.

In startling news the head of Europe’s coal lobby has claimed his industry will be vilified, “ hated like slave traders” as a consequence of the Paris Peace talks.

The ‘Eurocoal’, (as distinct from Euro-Septic) General Secretary Mr Brian Rickets was furious, at what he called ‘mob rule by a cabal of world governments’, and suggested that the anti coal movement posed a threat to democracy itself. “The world is being sold a lie, yet most people seem to accept the lie, even if they do not believe it’ !! According to Brian; ‘The UN has successfully brainwashed most of the worlds population such that scientific evidence, rational analysis, enlightened thinking, and common sense no longer matter’

euracoal 2

Compare and Contrast. The Eurocoal logo. Nice colouring and very pleasing to the eye.

He’s right!! I asked Bert my 97 year old neighbour and he reckons; ‘global warming is rubbish’.

paris climate change 2

Paris Logo. Incomprehensible and wrong-headed.

“You might be relieved that the agreement is weak, Don’t be’, the words and legal basis no longer matter Fossil fuels are being portrayed by the UN as public enemy number one. We are witnessing a power bid by people who see the democratic process as part of the problem and have worked out a way to bypass it’.

And we can only agree with Brian. As an indication of coals fall from grace we sympathise deeply, Clearly coal is losing grip and as a smaller global business it has clearly lost the mechanisms other big business utilise to “bypass the democratic process”. And the coal lobby have always been foremost in the vociferous advocacy of the democratic process. Like slavery, coal is going to have to get ahead of the pack and re- brand itself. But cleaner coal alone, will not be enough. Brian needs to take a good look at other countries where slavery now flourishes, right across the world as “ home help, relief worker, or indentured short-mid-longterm contract person’. It’s working brilliantly in much of the middle east and sth east asia and potentiality for greater expansion via free trade and getting rid of pink, and green tape into Australia. Indeed from what we hear about Seven Eleven workers and service station franchisees it’s already up and running.

Also Brian could take a look at Australia. “days after a binding international agreement here we see an indian mining company seeking to develop a massive coal mine”

We’re world leaders in utilising the democratic process to support big business. The Adani mine has sailed through another pesky raft of legal barriers and has triumphed over the Australian Conservation Foundation and some pesky ‘Barrier Reefers’. The Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche, said the decision showed the groups claims, (Conservation Group coast and country),were unfounded’. he added; ‘this judgement is a comprehensive rejection of the activist argument against this HUGE job generating project, it’s rejected the activist arguments around the financial viability of the project, it’s rejected the activists arguments around the issue of climate change’.


Compare and contrast 2#. The well dressed and business-like CEO of Queensland Resources. ‘Couldn’t find a straighter bat’!

And besides, the pesky interventionist, activist professor Dr. Karl K has stated with all the proof of scientific research that the Great Barrier Reef is half what it was in the mid 80’s and the rest will be all gone in the next thirty years. So what’s the point of preserving such pissy ecosystems in the first place?

dr karl kruszelnicki 2

Dr Karl. The ” so -called voice of scientific reason”. Clearly untrustworthy, and shirt preference indicates lefty ‘soft-cock’ tendencies.  Gaily coloured shirts lent on this occasion by the Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne. M.P (from his personal collection)

adani 3

Former P.M. Keeping democracy safe for big business.

Australia is proof perfect that Brian has got it all wrong. They might be misleading and subverting the democratic process in Europe for you to fuck up the planet willy nilly, but in Australia, we are global world leaders in letting mates in big business have a real good hard go at really really really fucking up the planet and all that environmental claptrap once and for all. And we’ll do it, and waste our tourism industry which employs hundred of thousands, to support a coal mine that may employ several hundred, to demonstrate that there’s no soft-cock sentiment about a Long Toothed Potaroo in our neck of the woods. ‘Come on down Brian’, anyway Europe is so “old school” and we’re the innovation leaders cos we’ve got the courage and tenacity to stand up to lefty wankers and science. And with a bit of luck we’ll repeal those lefty protectionist gun laws whilst we’re at it and follow our friends from the National Rifle association in making us all SAFE. Oh and I almost forgot, we repudiate scientific analysis for the things that really matter REAL ESTATE and Mates. And all the rest of youse, (troublemakers) can get stuffed!!

One thought on “The Life of Brian. Head of European Coal lobby really angry now!!

  1. When God placed all that coal under the ground 5,000 years ago, isn’t it obvious that it was for a purpose? Answer that, you tree-hugging, Greenazi, latte-sipping, chattering classes.

    Coal… it’s Australia’s future!

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