Other significant events In Australian History leave a dark shadow on the collective national subconscious.
The Palace wont release the papers. And there’s quite a few of us who are hot under the collar. These papers are critical if Australia is to get a perspective on itself in the early twenty-first century. Although the dismissal happened over forty years ago. the shadow looms. A shadow some would argue is as large as when the streaker interrupted Richmond’s forward momentum in the 1982 Grand Final. It’s the great un-answered “ What If”
And do Australian’s care.?? Probably not.
It was years ago, doesn’t feature on reality television and has no impact on Mortgages, interest rates and home ownership. And to be quite frank, has nothing whatsover to do with the twin pillars of contemporary Australian society, Real Estate, and tax hand-outs to Big Business.
But WE HAVE the big picture. We at pcbycp, (thanks to our extensive network of palace insiders) now have the true FACTS on the Palace Papers. And at last, you’ll be relieved that we can put a light on what actually happened, during those heady days of late 1975.
So please, bare with us.. as we lift the lid, and it’s a solemn duty to which in the end we may say; “we are not amused”. And were not inclined to give em back to the government as the ABC so supinely did with the Canberra Filing Cabinet saga. Indeed NO! Not till we’ve forensically gone through every fragment and made a thorough analysis.
So you be the judge, and read from the pages of HISTORY!
Inspection of the Royal Corgi prior to garden party with Australia First Eleven. June 1975. Does Princess Margaret know something?
The first is a fragment of scribble written in an unknown hand. The letterhead is unmistakeable though “Kiribilli”, is prominent in the top right hand corner. Dated, 1/6/75
It reads:“ I asked for two packets of Bex Powders, a copy of the Winning Post and two packets of Peter Styvesant in the soft pack, and you returned with a copy of the Truth, Disprin, and Craven A’s, This is a breach of royal protocol that will not be tolerated. I will not stand this disrespect”.
The second fragment, written in HB Pencil suggests a ladies hand in fine copperplate,
It reads; “In the event of Liz’s arrival ,with Trixibelle, Lulu and Daphne, I suggest you order three jumbo packs of Luv, Premium. I’ve asked the palace staff for instructions and have been told to direct my correspondence to the Royal Keeper of the Dogs, Major Ponsonby, (RNR. retired). Is he to be trusted”?
And a third fragment, with a prominent Asio letterhead, reads,

Max Walker graciously shakes Royal hand whilst politely ignoring the moisture on his trouser leg left by Royal Corgi Trixibelle
“Your excellency, the Queen is not permitted under section 34 B of the Quarantine act to travel with her three favourite Corgi’s to Australia. This is in clear breach of our Dangerous and Alien Genus code, (DAG) requirements. WE would like to suggest however, that we have been training, Shane, Tyson, and Craigette, our three stand- in Corgi’s to perform the civic duties the Royal retinue would otherwise have performed.
(See photo’s), and suggest you accompany us with Lady Kerr to the Specialised Top Secret Dog handlers course conducted at the Puckapunyal proving grounds, next September for instruction in handling dangerous dogs.
WE also would suggest that renting, or adopting “outside” Corgi’s will not do, as our North Amercian operatives in the CIA have named a Russian Counterfeit Spy ring, in which the Presidential dogs, “Rusty” and “Trigger” were replaced by KGB operatives “Ludmilla” and “Rasia”. It seems the Presidential hounds have defected and are now living in a facility outside Magnetogorsk. Though the rumours are unconfirmed, nerve agent may have been injected into their Pal”.
Fascinated? Was this the catalyst that rent the royal house asunder?
Stay rivetted for our next installment. Nerve Agent?, The KGB, the CIA? Or our very own ASIO?