The Queen’s Birthday – A Rebuttal of the Rebuttal

As I suspected Laura Norda has demanded a right of reply to this Terrence Nullius’ piece. Here it is. (Followed by an illustration of “The New Monarchy”)

A review of our Heads of State, and their nepotistic offspring. By Laura Norda

After rabid following of football code teams, zealous adherence to organised religion, one of the most idiotic contemporary Australian pursuits is the adoration of the Monarchy.

After all, we are not too proud of the way the British Crown abused and decimated the original inhabitants of our land.  They simply claimed they did not exist and declared “Terra Nullius”.  The country was empty!

The mistreatment of the original inhabitants was almost equalled by the torture, dispossession, dislocation and infliction of outrageous, cruel punishments upon so called “convicts”.  The unfortunate souls were victims of extreme superiority and inhumanity of those close to the British Crown and their legal “justice” system

These early indignities were almost surpassed by the “con” inflicted on the cream of the country’s youth, who manfully volunteered to fight another people’s war ten thousand miles away.  They blindly submitted to orders of more English Upper Class military leaders and politicians who used them as pawns and expendable cannon folder or rifle targets, in Gallipoli and on the Western Front.

The first Australian Prime Minister to see through the perfidious pommy opportunists – from Kitchener to Churchill and “Bomber” Harris was John Curtain.  He fought against the crown and its parliamentary representatives to have Australian troops return from the Middle East in 1942.

As in the first war, when– Australia’s conservative populace totally supported our “volunteers” and decried conscription as “unmanly” and disrespectful to the Monarchy.  It was simply not “right” for our hapless victims to be sent to be slaughtered or imprisoned, had they not volunteered instead of being dragooned into service by being conscripted.

Equally the myopic Royalists in Australia despised the left leaning Labor leader Curtain as “anti British” and against the whims of the monarchy.

Australians would be singing anthems to a different Emperor had we as a nation not “cocked a snoop” at the ‘all knowing’ British military establishment.  The defence and fall of Singapore says so much about their practicality and foresight.

So, today almost one hundred years since the start of the Great War – the War to end All Wars, what is the demographic of our population?

We have welcomed Italians, Greeks, Romanians, Turks, from Middle Europe and the near east, plus Lebanese, Israelis and Egyptians. Today there are central West Africans, New Zealanders and Malaysian people.

How many of these people owe allegiance to Elizabeth I (of Australia?) and Philip (of Greece)?  Much less than these are the supporters of Charles and his consort Camilla.

As a cicada sloughs off its redundant, decayed and wizened shell to reveal a fresh green persona, so should Australia’s population shed the decayed and dried up nonagenarians who rule,  and their waiting offspring.  How much qualification for a position of some significance, today is birthright?  In a well run corporation, the Human Resources Management team would totally disregard nepotism.  Shouldn’t we?

the new monarchy copy version 2


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