Aussie gentleman at work on the field of valour. Australian SAS detatchment out on a “meet and greet” courtesy visit.
Dear reader, we know many of you are disturbed by hearing reports of ungentlemanly behaviour by Australia’s crack SAS and Commando units. We’ve been told of alleged atrocities and firece inter-unit rivarly which it is alleged has exploded upon the field of combat. We are shocked by the suggestion that innocent civilians may have been “ knocked off” by Australian special forces, and not given the right of a fair trial, or at the very least a cigarette and bottle of beer before facing the firing squad.
These are all allegations, but allegations nonetheless that go to the very core of the loyal, noble eternal unquestioning legagy of Anzackery and our god-ordained right to uphold civilisation to lesser peoples who inhabit places devoid of the benefits of our way of life, midday television, shopping 24/7 and the soon to be launched second volume of the Keving Rudd autobiography.
This flurry of allegations is deeply troubling. And as the famous Chinese strategust Sun Tzu, and the great German pan grand strategist Clausewitz said, “ war is all about making damn sure that the winner is glorious, and the enemy, crushed righteously without recourse to an ignoble failure”. And as Australians we have practised this principle for over two hundred years where we haven’t even graced the massacre of the first Australians a proper people worthy of the sobriquet “enemy”. And that’s cos they didn’t understand real estate. Inadvertently they bought it on themselves, and seem still. “ungreateful” for our generosity of spirit in allowing them to attend ANZAC day marches with ordinary Australians.
Still, reflections aside, we are deeply worried about this talk of atrocity. It seems incomprehensible to our thinking that, after all the glorious incursions into other countries affairs as lackey to our glorious allies, that anything other than bounty could be applied.
For example, the fact that a few Afghani’s get killed by special forces is a small price to pay for civilisation. Drones kill dozens each day and we never hear of it. And why focus on Australians, when we’re only there to help, and the whole reason for being in Afghanistan in the first place is beyond questioning.
It all seems a bit “Breaker Morant” to us. Yes of course there’ll always be some casualties. Ordinary people caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time, but to suggest that our troops are indifferent to the sufferings of foreign people is absurd. We have the worlds most succesful multi-cultural experiment on earth, bound by the glue of Real Estate and mortgages. We understand foreigners. WE are familiar with “them” in the exotic foods section of the supermarket. To question the bona-fides of our troops puts the whole edifice of everything we stand for into question. And that would be un-Australian.
And besides, they’re only Afghani’s and they don’t even, have a cricket team. Which means no only haven’t they got a sporting chance, they don’t understand the concept of ‘fair play’. That’s cos they don’t wear uniforms, and it’s bloody difficult in the heat of battle to tell friend from foe. Which can only imply one thing, “They’re not Gentlemen”.
And that’s not cricket.