Good to see with the closure of the Hazelwood power plant, (possibly the dirtiest left in the world), Mr Abbott is leading the charge to have it re-instated. Good onya Tony. And to show he’s on his mettle, he propounded the benefits of staying with coal for ever and ever. Though he was unable to talk up the tax payer funded grants that were proposed to keep Mr Adani’s Cayman tax haven viable, he did mention the benefits coal bought to humanity at large. And there are huge benefits.
And his basic premise was that Coal was all about “Base Load”.
Please, Dear reader, could you please stand up and say “BASE LOAD”!
Again! (With hand over heart).
That’s better! (you can sit down now)
We’ve heard a lot about Base Load. It’s unquestionable. Only Big COAL can provide BASE LOAD.
If South Australia had had BASE LOAD none of the blackouts would ever have happened. Tony was also terribly careful to avoid the free market gouge-a-tron as rent seeking corporations used the national energy market to screw consumers. He just kept on the singular benefits of BASE LOAD. BASE LOAD can only be provided by BIG COAL.
Mr Tesla, and now the pubic at large are saying, ‘Hey Tone, our power bills have gone through the roof since you axed the carbon tax, and now they, (Coal Power Plants) all seem to be hopelessly out-dated’. Then Mr Tesla says; ‘I’ll sort out the electricity market in S.A overnight. Give me just one hundred days. If it aint fixed by then you can shove it’. No one, all of a sudden has faith in BIG COAL anymore. Some, and this is the frightening part, have suggested that BIG COAL is yesterdays hero, and because of the privatisation of the energy market, into rapacious, poles, wires, distributor, rent seeking kleptocrats, the importance of Coal’s alleged BASE LOAD, is just an Illusion.
Fancy that!

The last supper. Note use of coal power. No LED’s and Solar Panel powered Halo’s. Solar, not mentioned, in Genesis, nor Leviticus neither.
So Tony’s got it in for renewables and we can understand why. Renewables weren’t mentioned in the Bible. If renewables, solar, geo thermal and this latest thing with hydro have cracked a mention in Leviticus, Corinthians or even Genesis, it’d have half a chance. But God on his own admission, never ever mentioned solar, and to be quite frank, the closest he ever got to a Solar panel, was when he shined beatification upon his son during the last supper. That’s about as luminous as the bible ever gets, and it aint solar powered.
And, this is the best part, if solar power were true, and it was not extractive, and make huge profits, and despoil, the entire ecosystem, it would be evil. And why is that? Because power from the sun, questions the hypothesis well held that the entirety of everything revolves arrow this anointed “world” and all was created in the minds-eye of one eternal, supernatural all-seeing old bloke. And that bloke like Tony, liked to look at things in a paternalistic monotheistic black and white sort of way. That said, it’s right to stone sheila’s and it aint cool to talk science. Which is why BASE LOAD is so important a concept. Rock Solid, like a lump of coal in parliament, or the bloke upstairs.
And there’s a reassurance in that. Sort of makes everything in the world right.