Dear reader, once again, another visceral instalment from our New Orleans correspondent G.T Beauregard. And Oh!!! WHAT an INSTALMENT. This is beyond Zeitgeist. Pure Geist really!! I think G.T, has nailed it! What has he nailed??…read on…
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Beyond zeitgeist! Guns in America… is it a criminal? (african american), a Muh-zuh-lim? a Communist?… or one of ‘U.S’?
‘It’s handwringing time again. Firearms came out early October in Roseburg, Oregon (43.2888º N, 123.3320º W), Flagstaff, Arizona (35.1157º N, 111.3752º W) and Houston, Texas (29.4546º N 95.2259º W), as college students settled down to the grind of another semester’s learning. The tide of copper jacketed lead was flowing towards downtown NOLA. I wuz worried.
Yes I’s worried that carnage might be stepping onto our front porch any moment. Might be a criminal, that is to say, a thug. Might be a terr-aw-ist. Might be a Muh-zuh-lim. God forbid, it might be all three, and I know for a fact that NOPD response times are so pitifully bad that there won’t be any protection, the only thing they can usefully do is bring the plastic tape, the rape kit, the photographer, the collector of forensic evidence and so memorialize our family’s destruction.
But then we had Bunny Friend Park the other week, downriver where the po’ folks dwell. The flood had skipped over Uptown. And oh dem darkies! Must only have been semi-serious because if half a dozen-odd young men with automatic weapons can only wound 17 of the hundreds gathered there, they weren’t really trying. So we kinda laughed that one off: being an ethnic affair it was of no account to us folks.
And the unkempt guy from South Carolina who liberated three souls at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27 had his reasons. “No more baby parts” indeed. I’m down with that. The fewer uterine scrapers in the world the better, and if he only managed to eliminate one patient, the friend of another and a cop, he shall yet have his reward in the hereafter. Such aiders and abettors of vile sin deserve no more. I suppose the patient’s little foetus is now like a hummingbird, flitting about heaven on tiny angel wings, waving its partly-formed arms, giving praise and thanks through its little gills. But the collateral damage of righteousness is merely unfortunate; little whatever-it-was-going-to-be is undoubtedly in a better place now.
So the culling is not all bad. Its Darwinian aspect emerges from time to time, as the purse-prying fingers of naughty toddlers blast their shopping moms in the face, or as the four year-old this afternoon in the eastern part of this city shot hisself in the neck using the weapon wisely kept in a drawer for home dee-fence by his grandparents.
But San Bernadino is another matter altogether. Shorn of the politically correct “holiday” double speak, this outrage was perpetrated by Muh-zu-lims, plainly terr-aw-ists, against Ah-mericans at a Christmas party. There – I’ve said it. A CHRISTMAS PARTY. Attended by CHRISTIANS. Yes, Christians exercising their freedom of religion under the first amendment. (OK, there might also have been a couple Jews as well, but I yam in a mood of forgiveness them-wise, in light of the season of goodwill and all.)
In this connection I have taken to heart the wisdom of rony2015, with whom I have struck up a public correspondence. His accumulation of profound thought places matters in a wider context:
“the worse cities are all democrat run and infested., they do 99% of the crime and killing ! … Anybody that still listen to anything obama has to say needs [a] lobotomy …. it is laughable . that he is actually demanding more terrorist to enter the country. then wants to talk about security or mass killings , his weak inaction in the middle east has cause hundreds of thousands of deaths at the hand of the very people he wants to bring here. they kill hundreds every day only we dont hear about. and for last 7 years that he has dine zero millions have been wiped out due to him.”
Obviously, it is highly concerning to the citizenry that the commander-in-chief should be requiring terrorists to enter the country. He may be even worse than his evil predecessor, Abraar bin Lincoln, whose plainly Muh-zuh-lim bearded face adorns the currency. Even a suit full of hot fart gas like the Donald would not stoop so low. But what can the citizen do?
“why dont you get a compact little 9mm just incase you need it . dont listen to any body that tells you there is a greater chance of getting killed if you have one . that’s all crap. dont allow yourself that indignity! there’s is a for sure chance of getting killed without one . i have carried for about 30 years and travel in my job extensively , and many tomes it has served me well.and nothing you say is going to change that we have had a business since 67 and it has always actually prevented many from getting killed including thugs i held for the cops.”
I have not yet had the pleasure of clasping the hand that wrote these words. But he plainly exemplifies the best traditions of self-reliance and industry which once made this country great: the virtues of the pioneers, when every man of testicle did his part to forge order from lawlessness. Like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. Or Alan Ladd as Shane, standing resolutely upon a fruit box to be taller than the girls.
Fortunately for the future of the nation, rony2015 is not a voice alone in the wilderness, though few have his command of the world of ideas and such powers of expression. Deliverance will not be immediate, but it is on the horizon, whether it comes from the good Dr. Carson – he who believes that the pyramids of Egypt were built for the storage of grain – or one such as Mr. Cruz, who earlier this year reassured a 3 year old constituent, “The world is on fire. Yes! Your world is on fire!” We have only 409 sleeps to go.