The new pcbycp Institute Building. Making good use of useless on-campus infrastructure. Soon to be renamed the “Rinehart Centre” for enterprising wealth distribution.
We are not worried at the pcbcyp Institute about the increased reliance on foreign students in keeping our university system going. (NSW Universities report). WE at pcbycp don’t get one cent of government funding and rely one hundred percent on donations. Our new International Master of Business Administration course is completely booked out for the next ten years, and demonstrates a way of making universites entirely independent of government funding. We are happy to announce our student population is 100 percent overseas derived, and locals are ineligible due to our strict performance criteria. Thus, easing the burden on the taxpayer and aided by the odd bit of philanthropic largesse from very wealthy Australians. Those who make a substantial contribution to Austrlian cultural life, by paying no tax, and preserving the right to have very nice buildings named after them.
We reject the papers findings that an over relience on fee paying students makes our universities vulnerable. It also suggested that fee paying students from just one source establishes a vulnerability. We reject that out of hand. Nonsense,
Universities quite correctly have followed the Federal Government initiative and dismantled, thinking and research. We applaud the Abbott government in particular for defunding the CSIRO and feel that recent decisions by the recently discredited Deputy Prime Minister to move whole departments to safe electorates so that valuable public space and ex government offices can be opened up for real estate don’t get enough credit. It shows a way forward that ensures there’s more black ink on the bottom line. And that ensures greater efficiencies and better long term strategies moving forward.
You see moving forward is where Uni’s need to go. Uni’s are not the place where PHD’s delve into obscure realms which may shed a light upon the reason, why?, They must lead by example with accredited MBA’s to ensure that from top to bottom good management. And to achieve this we need whole departments of MBA’s and administrators and support staff, and fund managers and grant application managers and bequest managers to ensure that funds are chanelled directly from philanthropic bodies to make the greatest possible use of the rivers of gold that flow from overseas students.

Pushing the Envelope. The New Pcbycp Admin building, voted 1# Ugliest use of former public space. Leadership, and IMAGINATION!
And to ensure effciencies, they need only look to pcbycp

The Pcbycp MBA bookshop stocks books you wont find anywhere in CHINA. But will be soon closing after forced merger with MUP and Media wing of CCP.
That’s why at pcbycp our Centre for Leadership and Business offers a one stop degree. It incorporates for the super competitive price of 155,000 yuan per annum an additional MBA accreditation, and the choice of three or more degrees for the modest down payment of 250, 000 yuan per annum, (indexed with CPI) for five years. We also offer the “four in one” package, Visa, Permanent residency, membership of the Liberal or Labor Party fundraising teams and a choice of Georgian, Neo Georgian, Sino Georgian or French Empire on our stunning pcbycp accredited housing land packages. Each package in advantageously desirable suburbs such as Balwyn, Box Hill and East Camberwell, come with artistically designed filligreed fleur de lys wrought iron gates intercom and facilities for washing banknotes. Each student will be entitled to one token to attend book launches sponsored by the IPA, and unrestricted access to the gaming room at the Crown Plaza Towers. But hurry, this offer expires 1st July 2018.
Anonynous donations can be made to the pcbycp future direction fund, or a fast stream donation to Mathew Guy, State Oppisition leader, c/o “Ill Cacciatori Seafood Restaurant”, Brighton. A receipt will be provided as proof countersigned by Michelle Gatto, (Insurance Broker).
And our motto, “PCBYCP Institute, Ensuring there’s “Life after Debt”.