Dear reader we know that you have eye strain and ear ache. Because like us, you have been glued to the television watching with clenched fists the sad narrative of Cardinal Pells persecution.
And once you’d seen a picture of real, tangible, and not imagined human suffering. Like us, you just hit the replay button and played it over again. And played it again. And played it over and over and over until your eyes hurt, your back ached, and you were sticken dehydrated and catatonic through immersion in this mans suffering. Only then could you appreciate one millionth the suffering and baseless accusations made by unseen accusers upon this MAN of GOD!
Under the excoriating questioning of Andrew Bolt, we saw a man, (may we suggest with some rapt anticipation a Saint? ) who remains as a symbol of what GREAT MEN are. In spite of all the baseless, accusations made against him, this man of GOD is a soul of good natured forgiveness. He forgives the misguided ill-informed man who made the baseless accusation. He forgives him and understands that he may have been encouraged to fabricate his confected story so that the ‘culture wars’ may claim another victim. Pell points correctly to the anti establishment revolutionaries amongst the Victoria Police. The bias of the Victorian legal system, and the insidious influence of the leftist ABC. Pell, (righteous be he in name and deed) knows which side of the culture wars he stands. He stands for the right of the RIGHT! He has old fashioned conservative views. We rejoice. We rejoice that in doing so he repudiates the sin of gay marriage, the apostasy of nature and animalism, the nihilism of science, and the enshrined right for a man, (as quoted in the bible) shall stone, axe, or bludgeon to death his wife for adultery or back- chatting, or sometimes even for giving a funny look, and do it under the auspices of an all seeing all loving GOD!
We flinched, when he turned his wrath upon the ABC. Their time had come! WE felt for him. We felt as our former Divine ruler Charles 1( though he wasnt a Catholic) did under the stench of parliamentary rule, that principle is far more important than popularism, governance and silly ideas like representation,universal sufferage and education for women. The ABC is the incubus of popularism. They allow little people to speak. They allow the unanointed to have opinions. They question. In doing so they question the right of authority to rule unquestioned over all of us. Because of this apostacy the ABC should be riven, broken on the wheel and its intestines removed, its still beating heart thrown to the seething throng, and the entrails of each quarter dragged though the village streets. Only then will we see justice and uphold “ CONSERVATIVE VALUES”!
Cardinal, Pell also made it quite clear that this heinous act could only happen in Victoria. Victoria that cess-pit of anti-establishment libertarianism. Where shock-jockery and pure values of a hard line Anglican and Catholic Church are suppressed by good governance and apathy of the people. Where what the jury thinks should count for NOTHING! Wisely he has fled to New South Wales, where power is vested for all of us by the few. No chance of him bumping into a victim in New South Wales. No chance to see the ribbons and flags addorining every Catholic establishment in Ballarat. By being in New South Wales, he is safe in knowing that whatever happened, it didnt really happen. And besides though it was happening all around him, he didn’t know, cos he is that kind of bloke who could have worked as a gas- fitter at Auschwitz and said; “I just thought they were into baking’, He will be safe in Sydney.
In Melbourne his life would be in peril. There are angry people who blame Pell for the cover- ups, the bloody mindedness and the bastardry.
In Sydney, his victory lap is a right to GLORY!
He need not worry, the highest court in the land has given him freedom. He’s not guilty, but he aint innocent either, cos he’s gotta deal with “ Original Sin’ for starters. And where do you start from there?