We’re at pcbycp are 100 percent with the Australian Christian lobby on gay marriage. We endorse the churches’ principled stand on gay marriage and wholesome, (clean-living) values in general. We wont have a bar of it. And for Barnaby Joyce if he’s listening, we wont have A “Baaaa of it”.
We at pcbycp are in lock step with the Australian Christrian Lobby’s Lyle Shelton on making a stand. It’s time, high time the voice of the righteous, moral, pure real Christian is heard. And by Jove, we’ll do it.
We at pcbyp abhor gay marriage. It was not condoned in the Bible. It was not written by Leviticus, Corinthians, Mathew, Luke, Peter, Thomas, (did they live together?) and any of those other noble, righteous moral texts, and Moses hadn’t heard of it either. And why? You may ask. Gay marriage is evil.
No bones about it, (as the bishop said to the choirboy), we wont stand for it. ‘Not on you Nellie’, as the Mother Superior said to the novitiate. ‘Not by any stretch’, as the Sons of the rightous path youth leader said to his charges, and ‘not an inch more’ as the anglicacare holiday camp superintendent was heard to mutter.
However, one thing sticks in our craw. We haven’t heard their positon on paedophile priests, double standards, and kiddy fiddling generally, and that’s not even going near mysoginy. And we’re right with them on this issue. We’d love to hear the Australian Christian lobby’s views on kiddy fiddling. And we know that if their views are known. Why not be upfront about it? It confuses us. Why not be upfront about it? To to thus confused is?…. Well it’s Confucian.
You see, we feel so strongly about kiddy fiddling we’d really like to hear the Australian Christian lobbys views on this vexed issue. We know, (cos Cardinal Pell told us inadvertently by never mentioning it) that kiddy fiddling is a core principle of the Catholic Church. And we know that archbishop Hart, (god bless him) is worried about any move by the government of the people, to persuade priests to divulge the kiddy fiddling secrets of their parishoners. We at pcbycp respect the rule of God above law. And we respect the rights of schurch leaders to pay no tax, receive charitable donations, fund right wing looney special initatives, (like clean coal) and maintain their right to mysoginy, patrichy, kiddy fiddling and turning a blind eye to abuse. It’s a core principle attached to Judeo Christian religions. Who’s stated aim since eternity is to preserve the right of very old men to degrade women, kiddy fiddle and keep secrets where they belong. In the confessional.
We just can’t wait to hear their strong stand. Do they or do they not abhor kiddy fiddling?
It’s a simple question, not worth having a vote about, but nonetheless integral.
Dean Smith and Corey. All for keeping a lid on same sex marriage. And the sanctity of the confessional.
And we’re worried about free speech. Though religious schools are exempt from restictions that apply to the rest of us on preaching hate, religious dogma and sexism we defend the right of the ACL in figthing deviants in parliament. And we uphold the right by Corey Bernardii to ensure that religious schools are free from the taint of fairness, reason, and inclusiveness.
‘With the same-sex marriage lobby threatening to challenge in the High Court any moves by the government to pursue a postal plebiscite, the AMA has received legal advice claiming provisions to protect religious freedoms in the gay marriage bill being proposed by Liberal senator Dean Smith were flawed and could put Australia in breach of international obligations. It would also expose faith-based schools that could be stripped of their rights to teach their views of marriage.
Mr Sneddon, (no relation to Sir Billy) said this was a much broader problem than the narrow religious protections offered in Senator Smith’s private members bill, which allows civil celebrants to decline to marry same-sex couples and religious organisations the right to refuse their facilities for use in same-sex weddings’. (ABC)
And we agree, refuse same sex marriage. He nailed it.