Froggy journalists get a lesson in POWER!
Not since Parliament was suspended between 1629 and 1640, has the fifth estate been made to bear some responsibility for being a nuisance. And it’s encouraging to see that most recently the Commonwealth Bank, whos bent, greed filled executives sent people broke and suicidal through extortion, corruption, fraud and bloody mindedness, are off the hook. That’s the sort of governance the people want. If you don’t believe us, the only putative P.M never to vist Rupert Lord of Murdoch LOST. And the country was saved thanks to that shining white sepulchure locked deep in the crypt of salvation they refer to as “Franking Credits’.
We’re still rapt, that journo’s even the odd one from Lord Murdoch’s own stable, (there must always be a sacrificial lamb) are cowered over the defense-gate scandal. So what if a couple of Afghani’s get knocked off in a civilising war we’ve been at for twenty years. Cos as the strategic policy bean counters would tell us it’s their own fault.
Shouldn’t be there in the first place. Not us… THEM!
Things are pretty crook in Honkers. But we know it’lll be over once the malcontents are imprisoned, and business can feel confident again the profits will not be affected unduly by the susserus of protest, and for that matter the side issue of human rights.
And as for human rights, we feel content when traveling on the train. The Gestapo (Public Safety Officers) patrol it regularly. Outside the station the Sicherheistdienst (Public Response Unit Officers) are waiting with guns and tasers to deflect the homeless, and in the streets the new ruling elite (the formerly inactive Committee for Public Safety, Fines Victoria) reassures us that minor infringements will be duly monetised. Glad then that constant video surveillance is making our lives safe. No time to question the sort of society that requires constant surveillance. All the indeces are of a proto-Orwellian society. No time to question why people in our society are angry, dangerous and VIOLENT! Prisons are booming, corporations don’t need to worry about regulation, and these new flats have a life expectancy of ten years, (if you’re lucky). All of this points to one thing. These are great times if you want POWER. Better still if you want to RETAIN POWER! And better times still if you know that there is only one truth. It is MONEY!
Ask witness K.
And if you get nowehere there, ask witness X.
And if you fail there? Just ask Donald. He’ll tell you. Democracy’s broke. It’s fucked. It’s karked it it’s kaput. And we made it thus.
Roll over fifth estate youve had it coming. Just for questioning Angus Taylor for looking after his family interests courtesy of the taxpayer, you deserve it.
For not inciting the public imagination you deserve it.
For trying to be balanced and objective you deserve it.
For not really caring whether Master Chef continues without Matt, George and the other bloke.
And for not being interested enough in “Celebrity Get Me Outta Here, or Australian Ninja.
And your biggest crimes, Not devoting enough media time to the Kardashians.
Cos that’s important, all the other stuff, climate, equity and education are NON ISSUES!
Cos the truth is
Nobody cares, and
Even if they did, what are they doing about it?
Even banging froggy journalists in the slammer for filming a protest seems ok, if you’re living in Cairo, Just ask Peter de Gretser.
Queensland is a bit like Egypt though.

Egypt and Queensland have another thing in common beyond palm trees and sand, they know how to deal with Journo’s.
Plenty of sand, the odd palm tree.
No one really cares in Egypt either.
If you did you’d be in HUGE TROUBLE!
They might have cared a bit more back in 1640.

Whatta CHEEK! Froggy Bastard trying to film his own arrest. No wonder Hollywood killed the froggy fillum industry!
Isn’t that a brand of beer?
Or a Cologne?
Human rights?
Free Press?
Not here.
Whos in charge of that sort of thing?
Peter Dutton..