This is really an exciting time to be an Australian.
Could you believe as South Australia grapples with energy uncertainty, a cyclone, called ‘Debbie’ does Dallas Street, (a suburban street in White Rock a suburb of Cairns). Matt and Josh fight it out for who can or cannot, (as the case may be) get Hazelwood cranking again.
Matt’s hard at it, trying to repeal the Renewable Energy Funds ban on big shitty carbon emitters. Josh, (pole-axed by Jay Weatherill) Frydenberg has suddenly gone less enthusiastic about committing shit loads of public and private funds to rebuild filthy stinking coal powered generation facilities. And all awhile the price of renewables as a boon to the new economy are falling though the floor.
Matt is angry. The coal lobby is angry. Mr Adani is hopping mad. Even Malcolm Turnaround may be angry. And there aint nothing he can do about it. Whichever way they stack, crack, bray to Rupert and complain about the level playing field, renewables just get cheeper and cheaper. And the rent seeking power companies, know that the only people on mains power will soon be the dirt-poor, disaffected and the dispossessed. This is not how it was meant to be. And Tony Abbott who axed the tax, is nowhere to be seen but has triumphed once again by converting a three letter slogan into a one word, three syllable word. HA-ZEL-WOOD. And Gorgon will export gas at stupendous profit for years and years and not pay a cent in tax. Were giving it away. This is Neo Liberal economics at its most alluring.
Welcome to the Third world.
But where’s Bill?
In the interests of balance we would like to advocate Bill’s polices on coal. We’d like to put meat and fat on the bare bones of Bill’s policy on affordable housing, the environment, negative gearing and the resource rent tax, In actual fact we’d like to see Bill put forward an articulated, researched and well founded fragment of public policy anywhere. Sadly, he’s gone ‘Squirrel Nutkin’ on us. There’s nuttin.
Bill is silent. Silent as a tomb.

Kathy Jackson, made deep sacrifices to ensure poorly paid operatives were kept in their proper place.
He was last spotted heading into News Corp for a meeting with the Big Boss. After several hours Bill emerged, a copy of the Herald Scum and the Tele under his arm, his hair tousled, and an enigmatic, (some may say satisfied smile on his face). A bit like the one Cathy Jackson had when she held high level meetings with Michael Lawler from the Fair Work Commission. Like Billy Snedden, Mike was just doing his job. There’s no telling what Bill will do next, but he was then spotted with Jeannie Pratt at Raheen, and moments later having lunch with Gina Rinehardt.
This can only mean one thing. Bill will emerge soon, and have a radical plan for reform that will re- assert national sovereignty. Put the public interest over rapacious rent seekers and kleptocrats. Bills on the line, and watch out! The world will hold its breath. And make no mistake. Bill Mk 2 is pumped and primed and ready for action. Australia needs Bill and this shall be his finest hour.
Bill will make a stand. And what does he stand for? In the fullness of time ye shall see.
Bill will draw the circle fully round. His principles will stand resolute and complete as a big O.
Bill thinks beyond the square.