We at pcbycp are delighted with the latest advert for the “No” vote screening on commercial telly. WE are delighted that the Australian Christian Lobby feel so strongly about same sex marriage, and delighted further still that their wonderful values based ads are not being shown on the ABC. What would be the point of that we ask? And concur, the ‘Gay BC’ would just distort the message, and leave us all confused with the taint of tolerance and inclusiveness. Say ‘No’ to the ABC, and ‘NO’ to their insidious brain washing. That is the message we want to hear. As all good living Australians, we abhor the same sex marriage lobby, it’s insidious message of inclusiveness, open-ness, and equanimity. WE as Christians, would like their ilk, (all of them) to be shunned, and return to the good ol days of purity, backyard abortions, stoning and virulent xenephobia. All under the loving embrace of an all knowing, all caring God. It made us number one on the world stage. And world leader where it counts, winning olympic medals, and being pure.
The message is pure.
The advert, from the Coalition for Marriage group, led by the Australian Christian Lobby, features four women opposed to same-sex marriage and focusses on concerns around the impact of same-sex marriage on children. And their message is one of unswerving unanimity, FEAR.
“School taught my son he could wear a dress next year if he felt like it,”
“Kids in year 7 are being asked to role play being in a same-sex relationship,” another said.
WE at pcbycp are deeply worried about he impact same sex marriage is having on kiddies. For example, one lady is quite right to worry, worry sick about having their child wear a dress. Who wouldn’t be? But we don’t know yet if the child is straight, gay, lesbian, lgbti, or just LGBTITT BSRX or non normative. That’s the problem that all ‘us’ parents face.
Clean-living aussie kids from same sex marriage understand the clean-living values of vegemite , anzac and HATE.
Because the adverts aren’t subjected to the same restrictions on a normal vote by the electoral act they can go right into the nub of the issue and have a good old crack at all those who eschew the righteous’ god-given virtues of marriage between man and woman, stoning, and genital mutilation in general. WE hope the christian lobby takes our advice and spruiks the benefit of black muslin, (that’s a cloth not a religion) for widows, the right of men to beat their wives, and the right for all men to muck around outside marriage.
The right of men to inject their wives with battery acid, douse them in petrol, stab, and burn them before running over them repeatedly with the car. The right to mutilate children and punch, shake, and break their little bodies so that they may be freed from the taint of original sin. The right to stab them so many times, they, (their wives) resemble an overused pin cushion, and the right to bury them in unmarked graves in the bush. All in God’s name, whether they be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or just plain ol Mormon.
Every week reveals numerous examples of respect for the tradition of same sex marriage, and the inrtricate and quite creative way women can be punished. We’d also like, (there are so many numerous examples) to grant men the right to imprison, coerce, bully, bludgeon, and banish as was decreed in the bible when they’ve grown tired of being nagged and we’d also like them to be publicly whipped, shackled, and degraded by good God-fearing men. Cos it’s fear at the heart of the message that’s written into the bible.
Keep that message pure and propitiate hate, and fear in the name of God’s righteous certainty. What works for Rupert, will work for the rest of us. And keep us pure. And it all begins by saying “NO”.