A postscript to Franks book, and the most recent Musical dispatch

A short note from Frank, sent to us via morse from his headquarters deep in the remote parts of the dusty north that have not yet been converted to bit- coin,  it reads….

Frank returns to Yuendumu after another tour of duty in Alice Springs

As you missed it, here a review (warts and all).

Still no.3 bestseller at Red Kangaroo Books
A pity it’ll take a year or two to finish volume 2.
I’m quite enjoying my 15 minutes of fame.


Vic Police and NT Intervention team scoping future resource needs at the VIP Lounge, Kabul Airport.

We urge you to read the review. It’s not only succinct, imbued with pathos and empathy but well written.
The author clearly lacks an academics talent for rendering life…… DEAD!

We at pcbycp are very worried indeed as to what the two other best- sellers from the local bookshop may be. The talk on the street is that the number one bestseller may be ‘Paths to Glory’, the personal struggle of Sophie Mirabella to deservedly get onto the bench of the Fair Work Commission, or the much anticipated, ‘Whoever dares Winces’, the personal struggle of Australia’s most decorated soldier ever Ben Roberts Smith.

Victorian anti-vaxxer arrested for ‘incorrect face mask’ whilst jay walking.

Both books are deservedly ahead of Frank on the best seller list as they are written from the heart by people of integrity and consequence who have made great sacrifices in public service. Indeed, it may be anticipated that Frank is exceedingly lucky to make it to number three as the soon to be published, “Over- indulged and chinless” Prince Harry’s deeply personal autobiography will deservedly capture the public imagination of those who are weary of life stories from non-moneyed peoples.

As for the review, we tried to copy it, stencil it and roneo it, but it was ‘Rights protected”. This seems fitting that it comes to us via Alice Springs, bastion of native rights and the right to seek an open- ended period of incarceration for most indigenous males. A right that is an enshrining part of our processes of integration since the intervention.

Vic Police trialling new countermeasures to Anti-vaxxers and Jay- walkers on Melbourne streets.

One can only hope post Kabul, that we have more highly developed “shovel ready” initiatives trialled ‘in combat’ and ‘on the field’ to make the processing and incarceration of males more viable from the standpoint of economic return.  To ensure private enterprise may be more fully integrated with government operatives and NGO’s  in opening up the interior to ‘processing’ and the myriad opportunities to be found in monetysing the criminal justice system. We also hope, (the editorial staff at pcbycp) that the NT police take note of the increased funding for the Victoria police to further militarise their forces with equipment that (post-Kabul) is at the very forefront of the latest in law and order and public protection initiatives.

Vic police, fire new anti-vaxxer secret weapon, (warm porridge) at anti- vaxxers.

As Frank has tirelessly reminded us over the years and in his new book, “There is money to be made in criminalising the Citizenry”!
It’s what made the Nation Grate!

Eligible Afghans, sterilised, bleached, and clothed in “Royal Blue” arrive under guard of honour at Melb Airport.