Another musical dispatch from the front

Another one from Frank of the North-West Frontier.

In this he suggests that commentary in the local newspaper might be skewed. Perhaps he’s right.

The Truth always reported ‘Just the facts’!

Ever since they ceased publication of ‘ The Truth” it’s been hard to reconcile what’s on the page with the real-life situations happening in front of you. That’s why we at pcbycp read ‘Pravda” and the ‘ Global Times’, for balance and objectivity. 


Frank writes; 


Boa tarde amigos,

We live in a divided world. Keep in mind that for every 51 Brazilians who voted for Lula there are 49 Brazilians who voted for Bolsonaro. Cabeza Hinchada, Oscar Aleman, a Portuguese language Brazilian baion from my childhood

Today I drove back from Alice Springs. Crossing the road, I saw a large perentie and several goannas. This didn’t surprise me as not long ago a warm strong westerly wind sprung up. This in Warlpiri is known as the karapurda which signals the start of warm weather and makes reptiles come out of hibernation.

Even GREAT GLOBAL SUPERPOWERS have a little trouble getting down to the bare facts.

The online Alice Springs News also on occasions wakes up from its slumber and posts eagerly awaited articles. Yesterday there appeared an article headlined:
Alice Aboriginal art gallery’s ‘competitor’ put on hold.
The article refers to the suspension of work on Adelaide’s “Tarrkarri Centre for First Nations Cultures”

Sometimes the facts can get in the way of a good story

Within hours of its appearance, the article elicited the following comment:

Why in the hell are we wasting money on “cultural centres” when the very mob we are bowing and scraping to, detest our (Australians’) existence, flag, holiday, government, law enforcement, laws and most of all, our generosity, health care, child protection and anything else the radicals are so displeased by.

From my perspective the only redeeming feature of this letter to the editor, which I’ve rendered in its entirety lest I be accused of cherry picking, is that the author used his own name.

It is symptomatic of a Great Divide in Alice Springs non-Aboriginal society. No prizes in guessing on which side of the divide I dwell.

That’s why we in Australia can justifiably be historically proud of LEADERSHIP! Across the Great Divide- The Band

Até a próxima vez
