Dear reader, we begin where we left off, which in Australia is code for going backwards with a GAS LED RECOVERY! Our heroes in serious trouble, and the shocking revelation that Angus is Laurie Connell’s ‘LOVE-CHILD”!
Read on, if you dare….
After Angus’s revelation , dare we say it, “shocking revelation” , that he, Minister for Energy, the ‘GAS LED RECOVERY’ and ‘CLEAN COAL’ and China’s chosen Commander Supreme of the Oceanic Region, was Laurie Connell’s love-child, we didn’t care about what happened next,
All the bits fell into place.
Whereas before we couldn’t find the missing pieces to the jigsaw puzzle, as to just why Angus had monetised all aspects of governance for his own justifiable needs, so we now knew where once we were unable to fathom the absurdity, it all made PEFECT SENSE! WE understood everything! We understood why Nev held the power and made the ‘correct’ decisions to guide Australia to a GAS LED RECOVERY!! But it was only titular power. The strength was with the Minister for Energy. Proof of SCOMOs stewardship to ensure that those who were wealthy, and priveleged remained so and became, (with God’s anointment for hard work) OBSCENELY WEALTHY! And naturally, his Minister was where the greatest power ruled SUPREME, with CHINA. Though he’d sold Australia down the Yangtze, tossed it into the THREE GORGES DAM AND SIGNED US UP TO A REAL ESTATE AGENTS dream of unfettered capital enhancement through doing nothing, he could sleep straight. He wasn’t worried a jot. In fact. As his power grew, he just WANTED MORE! The man was beyond HUMAN!
HE was unstoppable and the only thing that stood in his way, for GLOBAL DOMINATION… was ‘US’!
And it was his handmaiden, Andrew Robb who looked after him and showed him the way!. It was Andrew who persuaded him to understand HIS SACRIFICE! and Andrew who organised a share-holding in Landbridge as a testament, a legacy of all that Laurie stood for. To monetise all government decisions and if need be, sell the country to anyone who could do the same. Laurie when he went off to the big platinum VIP gaming lounge in the sky, was not alone God Bless him..
Ces and I were pole-axed, dumb-founded, and visibly scared. Was there a way out of this, or was this THE END?
It was as though the very earth had been taken from underneath our feet. After this revelation even the existence of life on Mars paled into insignificance. This was nothing short of an Epoch making moment in ordinary peoples lives. And we knew, as death comes knocking, that we would not ever be in a position to divulge this information. It was our sentence. Our sentence of DOOM!
This was the Darth Vader moment. Having a soft spot for Luke Skywalker?
So that was the connection. Angus was Laurie’s ‘love child’. It all made perfect sense. The sense of entitlement, the blue blood connection. The right schools, the right establishment clubs and the stint in Oxford. Having retrospective goes at Naomi Wolff who was never in the same college at the same time. The Shonky Rhodes Scholarship. All the adornments of the suck-hole aristocracy and the absence of imagination. And the ‘WOKE’ and ‘UN-WOKE’ LIE that he and Naomi, champion of women the world over, (highly successful, entitled white, western women) were anywhere on campus or everywhere at the same time EVER. It all made perfect sense, and why wouldn’t he want to cover up his credentials?
He had been made to feel ashamed of Laurie, but just as Ghislaine, had fallen into the arms of Geoffrey after her fathers disgrace, so had Angus been drawn to the DARK SIDE. On the DARK NET, in the DARK PLACE, where even the little white bits are DARK!
Cos, there was a simple logic at work in the end after all the good he’d done for W.A, he did time. He (Laurie) was made to suffer for being successful and being found out. That was the sum of his Babylonian captivity. And Angus after JAM-LAND, the CAYMAN’S and his concocted association with Naomi was determined thus, that… IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!
Just like Super-Boy before he became Super-man to avenge an injustice, so had Angus sought to avenge his fathers honour by doing better and going further and even when caught was bold facing it. By using his mask of establishment and credentialed virtue to pretend it never happened. Angus had learnt, and like his cohorts, they had all learnt, to brave-face it and thus stand emboldened to take on the game, not the petty arena of Federal and State politics, but the world at large, with options for mining licenses on resource rich Mars and Uranus.
Indeed, there are more than pockmarks and craters on Uranus!! find out in our next interstellar episode
‘The dark side of the moon’, (where even the white bits are dark)
‘Or it’s ol blue- eyes, is flashing his brown eye….again’!