HELP – anyone?

I am privy to the following correspondence.  Can anyone tell me what it all means? Or at least where I can fit myself out with a good Beret, Bow Tie and Cravat

from Quentin Cockburn:
Birmingham… things like the turkish baths, the corridors, the gymnasium and the theatre all come to mind.. at first i thought it may be victorian, and then i thoughtm, ( after detailed descriptions from Ira, “what the heck” may as well be part palladiian, rococo, elizabethan, and perhaps a hideous 20th cent admin block to stuff it all up and keep it off the historic buildings register.. Sort of like Christopher Wren meets modern Birmingham, without the muslim fndamentalism thrown in…cos we all know that christian teaching aint bigoted.

To which Ira Maine added:
PCharlesRegarding  ghastly1960’s  and 70’s architectural creations, noticeable for their  either flat or sloping roofs and their astonishing resemblance to petrol stations, Prince Charles back in the 80’s suggested that a projected extension to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square;
 ‘… looked like a carbuncle on the face of a….friend.’

This caused an apoplectic uproar amongst the more pompously self-important British architects of the time and HRH was ridiculed as old fashioned and subjected to sly mockery.
Charles was right. The architectural fashion of the time stuck appallingly tasteless additions onto fine 19th and 18th century buildings while they were still in thrall to the marvellous Bauhaus.

Under the  pretence of originality, idiot, thick as bottled shit  architects, without an original idea in their heads, used the Bauhaus like a sledge hammer  to justify their architectural abominations, monstrosities which litter the countryside in the UK to this day. Not one of these louts would have been allowed in the door at the Bauhaus, and datz a fact.

In view of this i think one of your superb illustrations of some part of Endette Hall, defaced by some modern architectural excretion would be first class. Then I could arrange to have the thing bulldozed!

Ballinger Stockholm the twelfth.
Thence Quentin again:
You is spot on on this one…( is that a split infinitive or just a redundant use of the pronoun on)  Is it a pronoun?
You see that’s what i like about a constitutional monarchy, perhaps ive got a riposte to (Monday’s pcbycp Defence of the Monarchy) coming on?..
You see when Charles gets to be king it’ll be a bit like Ted Bailleau on steroids, the bloke’s not born to the purple, he’s literally soaking in it and there’s a touch of Shane Warne also, he’s a genius at being the prince regent, and when he finally gets there, and he sadly abdicates in favour of Ken and Barbie, we’ll all be the Poorer, cos Rupert wil have won again, and the eccentric, thoughtful socially minded titular, (is there any better) head will be done in!!  It’s like richard the turd and the little turdettes in the tower, cept no one will be calmouring for Dick!!My suggestion, (this is scary) is that I physically stay at your joint overnight next week, an we let the architectue flourish, cos i reckon, ( i have this on good authority) , that post war modernism was worse than George Bush’s invasion if Iraq!!  beretAnd , (i also have this on good authority) that most architects are would be artists, but they’re terrified of leaving the safety net of professional, which makes them go Heinrich Himmler as far as self delusion is concerned…  

SurgeonIt’s that thing you know, Successful surgeons wear bow ties.. shiteful artists wear berets, and the very worst architects, for whom original thought is a complete stranger, will wear bow ties, berets, and cravats.. 

I rest my rigorous and well founded research upon this basis of observed fact!

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